Skull-Face first appeared in “Mystery Tales” #6 (December, 1952) in a horror tale. Centuries ago, a man was accused of being a deamon and was burnt at the stake. His skeleton, seemingly intact from fire or other damage, passed from owner to owner throught the ages. Ending up in an antique shop, sold as a curiosity. Tom Fenton, a film producer, decided it would pe perfect for his upcoming horror film. Â
Fenton hired a Professor Thornton to do a publicity stunt for the film. The scientist would blast the skeleton with 50 million volts of electricity, 24/7 to see if it would get re-animated as in the classic horror films. Fenton advertised that he hoped to give his audience a real-talking skeleton soon. Naturally, he thought it was just a gimmick. Until that is, the “Demon” did get re-animated. He proceeded to kill the witnesses to his resurrection, Fenton and Thornton. He then left the lab, possibly preparing to go on a killing spree.  Â
He was next seen as an agent of Yellow Claw. He could speak, possibly telepathically, and demonstrated some degree of super-strength. But attacking Marvel Boy/Grayson proved a poor idea. He was thrown directly towards Cold Warrior. The force of the impact shuttered his bones. The demon has non returned yet.