
Sovereign is one of the strongest members of the Meta Legion he possess superhuman abilities but also exhibits some very human weaknesses in his personal life. Sovereign broke off a relationship with Hayley Harper, a reporter with GBC News, who accuses him of cheating on her and freeing his current girlfriend, Helen, from jail. Hayley is currently working on a tell all book to that effect and is determined to ruin Sovereign.

Sovereign is living with and dating Helen Heart also known as “Hella” who is a reformed super villain and associate of Hector Hunt one of the Legions enemy’s. Helen is on probation and struggling with drug addiction to cope with not fitting in with the other Supurbia spouses and family members. Sovereign has displayed a bad temper with both Hayley and Helen even getting physical at times.

Sovereign is the Superman type member of the Legionaries he has the ability to fly and possesses super strength and super hearing however the boy scout image is contrasted by this personal relationships at home. He regularly mentions events that are occurring at random places on Earth that he has overheard.