Small-time crook and bookie. A ne’er-do-well.
Major Story Arcs
Spider gets a tip from his mechanic that Tellif Kelk, a local bike shop owner, is a multi-millionaire. Intrigued, Spider enters Kelk’s shop near closing and mugs the man. Kelk ends up dying and Spider gets away with a very strange bike. He begins to ride away but is somehow whisked into the future. He stops riding and is suddenly back in the present. This gives him an idea: He can rob a bank and then ride the bike to hide in the future. He sets his plan into motion but is unable to enter the bank without tripping the alarm. Cops show up and begin shooting at him but he escapes into the future on the bike. As fate would have it, he arrives at a bank in the future where a teller calls the cops and informs them that a bike has appeared that was an accessory in the theft of ten million dollars. Spider refutes the notion, as he has never been to that future-bank. The teller asks the cops to check inside the handlebars for the stowed money. Sure enough, Kelk’s bike is stuffed with millions of stolen cash. Spider realizes that Kelk must have robbed this future-bank and hops off the bike to escape. The future-cops shoot but Spider is whisked back to the present as soon as he is off the bike. He isn’t quick enough, however, as a bullet hits him between the eyes before his body is transported. He is found dead by the present cops.