
Major Story Arcs

 Rachel Discovering Her Powers
Rachel Discovering Her Powers

Rachel Richards was once a normal college student until the day she and her friends went to their colleges amusement park. Bendora was telling Rachel it was a bad idea due to the cheap labor the students used to make the rides, but Rachel said it was fine. While riding the Spinning Rocket Ride they were flown out of their seats into the toxic waste dump conventionally located next to the amusement park. After a few hours each on of them started exhibiting weird powers. Susan turned Invisible, Jillian’s body ignited in fire, Bendora’s body turned to rock, and Rachel gained elastic powers. Rachel amazed at what happened decided to see what else her elastic powers could do by enlarging her breasts and elongating her neck. Rachel then told her friends the benefits from obtaining these great powers. Bendora then said “lemme guess, you want use to use these powers to help humanity” to which Rachel said exactly. They then placed there hands together saying they super heroine names. Rachel called herself Stretchmak, Susan called herself See-Through, Jillian called herself Hot Flash, and Bendora called herself Nuggets. With their names they called their super heroine team the Fantastic Femmes.

One day while training they were visited by the Weight Watcher (a parody of the Watcher) who came to warn them of the Universal Glutton Gal-Aktus. Hearing this they hopped in their jet and went to fight their new enemy. As they arrived they were halted by Gal-Aktus Herald the Copper Cutie who warned them not to mess with her masters meal. Bendora in a anger punched the Copped Cutie. Inretallation Copper Cutie used her powers to tie up Rachel with her limbs and blast Susan with her powers. Jillian then was dowsed with water and thrown into Bendora. After being unconscious for a short time they went looking for Copper Cutie and found her at Bendora’s boyfriends apartment. Bendora then bashed her across the room while the rest of her teammates came in. After listening to the Copper Cuties change of heart the decided to help fight her master. The five woman then attacked Gal-Aktus trying to convince her of not eating the planet until she farted. In shame she left the planet sobbing in embarrassment. Rachel and the others then talked about how they didn’t expect that to happen. To Which Susan said “the ending really stunked”.

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