Taj McGill


Taj McGill was created by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin for their digital-only series, The Private Eye.

Major Story Arcs

Taj McGill appears at “Patrick Immelman’s” office asking him to do a background check on herself. She explains that he has been recommended by her sister Raveena, and that she is applying for a job where she will not want things in her past being known.

Taj leaves the office while Patrick is distracted by the telephone ringing, and heads home. As she enters she is confronted by an old acquaintance, De Guerre. He begins to question where Taj has been, but she proclaims she isn’t a part of his group anymore. De Guerre exclaims that he is worried she has gone to the Press, but as Taj begins to deny it, he stabs her through the abdomen, killing her.