
Teir is by far the most enigmatic of all the elves. He was born endowed with the ability of mind-bonding with animals, and thus has transcendant hunting ability. He is gentle, sensitive, and unpossessible.

Teir had been living in the hillside grotto before Ember and the wolfriders found it and declared it as their dwelling place during Hidden Years.

He had been living alone, and had views of nature similar with many Native American peoples. For instance, he had no concept of possession of ownership, and he saw himsela as part of the land. He seems to have the uncanny ability to sense things as they happen.

By nature, Teir lived alone for so long that he was unaccustomed to abiding in the group decisions. He wanted to be part of the Wolfriders, but his independent nature prevented his ability to commit. Nevertheless, his hunter’s prowess comes to the invaluable assistence of Leetah when the nearby plains are swarmed with mutant forms of animal life, transformed by the dark powers of “Venovel”, in the parallel series ElfQuest: Shards.

In Final Quest, Teir and Ember Recognized, only to be torn apart in battle.