Terri O’Doughan

Terri O’Doughan first met Craig Hollis when he came to live with her family when he was eight years old. Craig’s father had died in a house fire and the O’Doughans agreed to foster the boy. As the two grew up together, Terri became Craig’s first real friend, his first crush, his first love. When they were old enough, they left the O’Doughan home and got a small place in Milwaukee. Craig got a job at a burger joint. It was hard going at first as they had to save as much as they could. Terri, though, couldn’t find her way through the struggle and became depressed to the point she committed suicide. She had left Craig a note and he attempted suicide, as well, but found he couldn’t die. Terri never knew of his power and never saw him become a superhero.