A real estate agent in Gotham City, Sherman Fine spotted a potential business opportunity when various “super criminals” began emerging in Gotham. Purchasing many eclectic properties, Fine began to sell them as hideouts and secret lairs to the various super villains of Gotham. Now calling himself The Broker (For both personal safety and business reasons), Fine’s business became incredibly successful due to his personal policy to “never get involved” in what the villains do with the properties. At some point Fine also had children, a fact he keeps hidden from his clients.
The Broker was created by writer Paul Dini and artist Guillem March, first appearing in the Gotham City Sirens series
Major Story Arcs
Gotham City Sirens
The Broker negotiates a deal with Catwoman and manages to sell the “Gotham City shelter for cats and dogs” to her. After concluding the deal with Catwoman, The Broker receives a phone call from The Mad Hatter about purchasing an abandoned story-themed amusement park down the road from on all-girls academy.
Once the Gotham City Siren’s home is destroyed, the Broker is able to find them a new residence – the abandoned Gotham County Arboretum.
Streets of Gotham
After helping Great White Shark acquire a new yacht, The Broker meets with White in order to collect his finder’s fee. Not wanting to pay Fine, The Great White Shark instead plans to kill him and has his goons prepare to throw Fine overboard. Having White’s goons shot, The Broker threatens to kill White if he doesn’t pay up – to which White agrees to do.
Later showing Mr. Zsasz around an abandoned slaughterhouse, The Broker has doubts about finalising the deal with Zsasz after witnessing the arrival of several children in cages (Whom Zsasz plans to murder). Sticking to his philosophy of “not getting involved”, the Broker leaves with his payment. Returning to his office, The Broker reflects on the deal and his morals before being surprised by Batman – who refers to the Broker with his real name (To Fine’s surprise). Batman asks for the contact information of several major Gotham criminals but The Broker refuses to hand it over, fearing that his clients would find out and target Fine and his family. Angered at Fine’s refusal to help stop the criminals, Batman beats the Broker and destroys part of his office.
Other Media
Video Games
Batman: Arkham City (2011)
Whilst he doesn’t physically appear, there are many references to The Broker throughout the game. For example you can find several of The Broker’s business cards in Victor Zsasz’s hideout, scanning them will answer a riddle and unlock a story concerning him.
Another reference to The Broker can also be find in Scarecrow’s hidden boat on a Falcone shipping planning notice. The notice claims that “Mr. Fine” has been helping with the shipping of cockroaches for Scarecrow’s fear experiments.