The Familiar was created by fan Ben Stillwell, of Adolphus, Kentucky for the Adventure Comics run of “Dial ‘H’ For Hero.” This run existed on the shoulders of a contest for readers to send in their own creations to be featured in the comic. She was likely tweaked and made ready for comics by Carmine Infantino and Marv Wolfman. She was introduced as one of the Evil Eight.
Per the final revelations of this run of Dial “H” for Hero, The Familiar (and all villains in the series) were created by The Master- an evil persona of original H-Dialer Robby Reed. Presumably, the Evil Eight’s failure consigned them all to The Master’s disintegration pit.
Powers and Abilities
The Familiar could become anything she touched. At one point, this was shown to include touching a “hard light construct,” allowing her to become energy.