The Id

Current Events

The Id was one of four villains broken out of custody by The Son of Man to turn the Louvre into a surrealist nightmare. After a brief encounter with Nightrunner who had been sent berzerk by the Id’s powers, he was defeated, presumably sedated and taken back to his cell in the Disturbed Wing of Le Jardin Noir.


Nothing is known of his past, save that due to his abilities the asylum staff keeps him under permanent sedation.


The Id was created by writer David Hines as a new antagonist of the Nightrunner.

Powers and Abilities

He has the power of empathy, the ability to make his victims act upon their secret desires and impulses as well as secreting pheromones which weaken inhibition and heighten the primal urges.

His most notable psychical feature is his skull, which was turned to glass by his lover Sister Crystal “to see how it worked”. It is said it made him more mentally unstable.