The Jet


Prior to a life of crime, Gary Akres was a radio and television personality. He secretly developed the costumed identity of the Jet, and began to amass his own criminal army in New York City. His plan was to use his position as a broadcaster to cause widespread panic by claiming, on air, that a communist nation was going to attack New York with an atomic bomb. During the panic he would use his men to sabotage New York’s electrical, gas and water utilities to create chaos. Afterward, his henchmen would loot the city. In order to prepare the way for his criminal army, Akers would use his television program to sew the seeds of distrust in the Human Torch & Toro with the public.

The Jet’s plans were uncovered when Toro and the Human Torch began investigating the disappearance of criminals that seemed to be arriving in New York in droves. The Torch was looking into the status of an ailing policeman’s son, Bobby Macklin, who had been seen hanging out with “the wrong crowd” and made a connection between the recent rash of criminal activity and young man’s recent acquaintances. The Torch and Toro witnessed a group of thugs carrying Bobby away from his home and followed them all the way to the Jet’s hideout.

A battle ensued which led to the Jet trapping the two heroes in an airtight room until they were rescued by Bobby Macklin and some maintenance workers. After Bobby informed the duo of the Jet’s plans, they managed to track him to the Empire State Building where they witnessed Gary Akres giving his false account of the nuclear bomb. Realizing that Akres was really the Jet, the Torch attempts to capture him and the two engage in a short battle. The Torch ends up melting the Jet’s jet pack leaving him to fall to his doom, while Toro informs the public that the bomb threat was nothing more than a hoax.

Powers & Abilities

Gary Akers possessed no superhuman abilities. However, in amassing a large criminal empire Akers demonstrated impressive leadership skills.

Weapons & Paraphernalia

As the Jet, Gary Akers wore an asbestos lined costume that protected him from fire and contained a jet pack that granted him flight capabilities. The Jet also used a flamethrower.