The Nameless One is the leader of the demons known as the Undying Ones. He ascended to his position of leadership with such overwhelming power and cruelty that the other Undying Ones only dared refer to him as the Nameless One. He led the Undying Ones in conquering Earth millennia ago, and ruled for ages, until the power of the Undying Ones started to fade and they were forced to return to their own realm to recuperate. Ages later, after being fully restored, the Nameless One began anew in leading his demon hordes to conquer the Earth yet again.
The Nameless One was created by Roy Thomas and Marie Severin. He first appeared in 1970’s Sub-Mariner #22
Powers & Abilities
The Nameless One is a highly-skilled magic-wielder, claiming to be even more powerful than Doctor Strange. He also possesses immense strength and durability, as well as borderline-immortality like all Undying Ones.