

Thump demonstrated the ability to understand the language of the Mygorg. He’s the only one with the ability among Starfire’s Rebel Army and the second human overall to demonstrate it (the first being Kyrse).


Thump was a bald, mute giant with above average strength who was self-appointed Starfire’s fierce bodyguard.


Thump is first seen in a Mygorg arena, fighting a frost dragon. After Starfire and her rebels interrupt the fight, they find Thump locked in a cage. No matter how hard they try, though, they cannot get it open and are forced to leave Thump behind. He somehow managed to escape and killed Thrumdahg before the other man could succeed in assaulting Starfire.

Though he has no tongue and cannot speak, Starfire learns that he is capable of using the computers housing The Keeper. In Starfire #7 – Freedom Never Dies, it is discovered that the reason Thump can do this is because he was The Keeper’s primary programmer before Lady Djinn used her magic to make Thump into the man that Starfire knew.