Tom Pickett

Captain Tom Pickett thought he’d retired. He’d done many years of service in the Texas Rangers, and was looking forward to his golden years, even if his daughter did make him quit smoking.

He was proud of his daughter, though, even if she did – in his opinion – marry beneath her. She ran a horse ranch, selling horses to stud, and did pretty well for herself, until fifty of her best horses were stolen by men in the employ of B.W. Langtree. She was devastated, and turned to her father for help.

Pickett started asking around, and soon found who’d stolen her horses. He also discovered three young people who were apparently in the employ of Langtree, though not very happy about it. Pickett took the chance, and met Jesse Custer, Tulip and Amy Grinderbinder face to face.

He told them that he knew all about their dalliances with grand theft auto, and would be more than willing to turn them in, unless they gave him some help. Pickett wanted them to take him to Langtree, where he would be able to make an arrest, or at least negotiate for the return of the horses.

Langtree was more vicious than they knew. He ambushed Jesse and Pickett, and once they caught Amy and Tulip, planned to run them through the slaughterhouse.

At Langtree’s offices, they found out what all the horses had been stolen for – they were going to be slaughtered and transported to Europe by Napoleon Vichy, a dealer in gourmet horseflesh for all the best restaurants of Europe.

Vichy shot Pickett in the stomach, leaving him to suffer before eventually being killed.

Custer was able to escape when Tulip and Amy sneaked in to untie them, but it was too late for Pickett. He died from his wounds.

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