Tomahawk Man

Mega Man 6

Tomahawk Man was one of the Robot Masters entered into the World Robot Master Tournament and was one of the finalists. Unlike his other competitors Tomahawk Man was specifically built for the tournament and built as a fighting robot from the start. He was later reprogrammed by Mister X into being a general in his Robot Army. Tomahawk Man was alter defeated by Mega Man who copied his ability.

Power and Abilities

As a machine built for fighting and designed to win the tournament Tomahawk Man was one of the more powerful Robot Masters thus far. His Silver Tomahawk could be launched at an upward angle towards his enemy. To compensate for enemies of of the tomahawks reach, Tomahawk Man could fire the feathers in his head dress as a more standard projectile. He was known to be weak to Plant Man’s Plant Barrier Weapon.