Toth is the half-crystalline son of a Man-Thing and Queen Blythir from Weird World. He is enrolled at the Doctor Strange‘s new school of magic, the Strange Academy.
Toth first debuted in the first issue of Strange Academy by Skottie Young and Humberto Ramos.
Major Story Arcs
Mister Misery

During a game of door tag, a regular game of tag played through the many teleportation doors on campus, one of Toth’s classmates, Calvin, went missing. His magical jacket crawled back to the school to round up the students for a rescue mission. Toth was eager to join.
They found Calvin in the clutches of The Hollow, a magic cult of tree people that were targeting the school. After a long fight that required the help of the academy staff, Calvin was rescued. In the process, Toth notices that Calvin’s jacket is actually Mister Misery.
Some time later, Toth was studying late one night and fell asleep in the library. He eventually headed back to his dorm very late. He was attacked by Mister Misery in the hallway and was shattered. He is capable of being reassembled and revived with the right spell, but Mister Misery had taken his heart shard, the only piece required for the spell to work.
Private investigator, Howard the Duck, connected the crime to Calvin forcing Mister Misery to reveal himself. The student body fought Misery until Calvin and the heart shard were freed. Now, that they had his heart, Toth was able to be revived. He was given a warm welcome by the student body but saved his biggest hug for Calvin, forgiving him for whatever role Calvin played in Toth’s attack.
Solve for X
Toth was part of a group of students that were using mathematics to decipher ancient texts and better understand magic. Impressed, Zelma Stanton had surprised them with a field trip to New York City where they will compete in the Multiversal Math Bowl. This year, it was being held at Brooklyn Visions Academy. In addition to Shaylee, the team consisted of: Doyle, German, Shaylee, and Guslaug. Once there, they get to meet Dr. Erasmus Dawnbright, aka Equation, the leading expert on “enchantimatics,” the math of magic, and fairyworld exile. Between defending him from a fairy posse with the help of Spider-Man and both Earth schools getting first and second in the math bowl, Strange Academy made quite the impression on Equation. He has an important project he was looking to recruit for, and he believed Doyle and Shaylee were the two for the job.
Unfortunately, Zelma thought that was a bad idea, so Equation decided to trap her in his mathematics book. Same with Toth, Germ?n, and Guslaug who had figured out that Equation faked the fairy raid to test the participants. Doyle and Shaylee were none the wiser, but thankfully, Germ?n was able to get as astral projection to Spider-Man to ask for help. Spidey was led back to the book where he was able to release Zelma and the students. Using Toth’s heart, they were able to locate Shaylee, his girlfriend, and rescue them from Equation’s mind-control.
After they freed Shaylee, their strategy was for Shaylee to pretend to be in his thrall, so that they could get close to him. When they found him, he had already derealized Doyle and was about to do the same to all of magic. He immediately figured her out and overwhelmed the group, stealing the Book of Enchantimatics. However, German remained inside the book and pulled both Equation and all his classmates in with him, where they were able to overwhelm Equation with their own math formulas.
Afterward, with the help of a recently resurrected Doctor Strange, they were able to re-realize Doyle.
Weirdworld Physiology: As a half-crystalline person, Toth’s body is made of a specific magical crystal.
- Resurrection: He can be destroyed and put back together with the correct spell.
- Crystallokinesis: Toth is capable of generating and shaping crystals with his mind.
- Sonic Scream: He never speaks because his voice is very powerful.
Magic: Toth is a magical apprentice and is currently being trained in multiple crafts of magic.