Haight was a citizen during the reign of Apocalypse. When the government was overthrown, the New Canaanites came to power and Haight became the leader. He is presumably the father of General Haight.
The Tribune was created by Gene Ha, Scott Lobdell, and Jeph Loeb for the Askani’son book in 1996.
Major Story Arcs
Tribune Haight isn’t comfortable with the rumors about the survival of the Askani Clan. He commissions Strator Umbridge to seek out the unit and destroy it. When she finds the cloisters in Ebonshire, Haight launches a full-on assault. His guns appear to take out Sanctity before his attack finally fails. Having failed, the Tribune must now live with the fact that the world will know that his New Canaanites aren’t just a simple policing power but a world power bent on the subjection of lesser classes.