In Grimm Fairy Tales, the story of King Midas is told against the backdrop of a modern hitman, that kills to make a living for his daughter. The story follows the relatively poor king who is given the ability to turn anything he touches into gold which works well until he touches his daughter and kills her by turning her into gold. In the modern story the hitman is tied up as he talks with Mercy Dante, the daughter of a former hit. She informs him that she will kill his daughter, Trisha Franks, which she does. Mercy is later shown, now as only a hitman, and haunted by the ghost of Trisha. After an attempt on her life, she is informed by her mob contact that Belinda wants her dead. She is soon after contacted by Sela, who tells her that she does have the chance to go back and change what she did. Instead of killing Trisha, she decides to save her, but the price she must pay is her own life. When Death shows up to claim Trisha he finds Mercy’s dead body instead, with Sela outside revealing she has her own plans for the two.