
Twister is a “Truffle-Snuffle,” a rare Guatemalan Pig-Dog…unless she is a Dog-Pig.

She assists Crazy Dave, Patrice, Nate, and the Plants against the Zombies.


Crazy Dave wins Twister in a bard game (where bards compete to sing the best songs) in Guatemala. She and Dave had a variety of experiences together, including challenging warrior mermaids and discovering the Boom Boom Mushroom.

Major Story Arcs

Zomboss threatens to drop the entire town of Neighborville into the caverns below, using a hydraulic elevator. Crazy Dave enlists Twister’s help in finding the Boom Boom Mushroom, which can destroy the hydraulics.

Twister leads the kids underground and through a variety of adventures. She is a key part of the journey, finding the objects necessary to pass a dangerous river, knocking out a gargantuar, and ultimately reversing the elevator’s direction, which brings the zombies up to the surface where they can be destroyed, rather the other way around.