Untamo came to Väinämöinen and his buddys, when he was attacked by foxes.Â
He guickly became a permanent resident. For years, he`d only watch tv, eat junkfood and participate the things that other characters in the comic do. Then he decided to become a cat. Â
He wanted to. Seriously. Seppo Ilmarinen Jr. was even ready to change him to a cat. They got alot of media coverage for this, and it all ended, when Untamo actually saw what he would  look like after the operation (he would`ve looked suffered).Â
Then, one winter, he couldn`t sleep, `cause worlds problems kept him awake.Â
This didn`t last long.Â
During one winter, he actually stayed up. He tryed different things you can do during winter, and decided not to try many things you can do at winter. Â Â