
Viorica was born in Moldova and abducted from her village as young girl and forced to become a prostitute in the capital Chi?in?u. When she was first captured she was raped by four men for 24hrs then told she would now start working as a prostitute.
During her time as prostitute she eventually became pregnant and was worried that the beatings and constantly being raped would cause her to lose her child. She eventually is brought to meet Tiberiu Bulat who sexually assaults her and decides to buy her. Before coming to America she ends up having her baby which the Slavers in New York City kept from her and only allowed her to see once a week.
The Viorica character was created by Garth Ennis during his Punisher run on the MAX imprint.
Major Story Arcs
The Slavers

Viorica is brought to New York City and is kept beaten and raped constantly. Vera Konstantin and Cristu Bulat ordering the beatings and rape with Vera being especially cruel making sure Viorica feels completely helpless to do anything to stop them from hurting her. One day a girl escaped from the slavers and managed to get news to Viorica of a social worker named Jen Cooke who could help her.
When Viorica was allowed to see her daughter Anna again she didn’t resist the men watching her when they had sex with her so she could spend some time alone with her daughter. When she alone with her daughter she escaped the apartment they kept her prisoner in. She ran through the streets of New York City and called Jen Cooke who picked her and Anna up and took them to a hotel room. Jen tells Viorica that she is building a case to take down Cristu, Vera, and Tiberiu and that she will be safe. The girl who escaped from the forced prostitution ring trying to help other girls get away is caught by Vera and tortured and tells her about Jen Cooke and where she is at.
When Jen takes Viorica out to get some clothes they leave her daughter with Jen’s boyfriend. Vera knowing where Viorica is sends men to break into her hotel room and bring her back. They beat up Cooke’s boyfriend and take the baby but didn’t get Viorica. The next day Vera sends Jen Cooke an email with a picture of Viorica’s baby Anna dead. Viorica snaps and steals Jen’s boyfriend’s gun and goes after the slavers one henchman that kept her prisoner and killed her baby.
Viorica goes to a club where the Henchman Pavla is and opens fire on him with the pistol trying to kill him but only manages to wound him before being chased into an alley by Palva’s thugs. The Punisher watches the event unfold since he was targeting Pavla for selling drugs. Viorica is chased into the alley and the thugs are about to rape her before they murder her.
Just as they are about ready to attack the Punisher kills them all saving her life. Just as the Punisher is about to leave Viorica begs the Punisher to help her saying screaming they killed her baby. Just then two police officers show up which the Punisher disarms and tells Viorica to follow him if she wants his help. Viorica soon passes out following the Punisher having been up for days and Castle takes her back to his base and puts her on his bed to let her sleep. The Punisher watches over why she has nightmares knowing that something happened to her. When Viorica wakes up she tells the Punisher her story and after telling hearing the story the Punisher realized a lot of people were going to die when he was done with the slavers.

The Punisher sedates Viorica so she doesn’t remember the location of his base and takes her to a hotel and gets her a room and brings her food and new clothes during the time he is going after the slavers. The Punisher also promises Viorica that he won’t stop until they are dead.
After the Punisher kills the leaders and destroys the forced prostitution ring he Viorica a visa so she doesn’t get deported and captured by slavers in her own country again. Viorica then gets a job at a diner and tries to live what little life she is left with and tends to break down in tears whenever she sees a baby thinking back to her Anna who was taken from her.