
Star Trek Canon Special Note

Sketch of Pike
Sketch of Pike

Not everything listed in the origin is Canon.  That is because only television shows and movies are considered canon.  This being a comic website there are many things here that are not canon.  So unless it is contradicted in film it should be listed as part of the character biography.    
Virka served aboard the Klingon ship Varchas.  She once saved fellow crewman; Kir‘s life on the ship when he was going to be killed for his incompetence.  Instead she blamed Kolj who was executed instead.  Virka later went undercover on an alien planet were she encountered Captain Christopher Pike.  During this mission she found him very attractive but a romance was never perused.


Virka was created in the comic series Star Trek: Early Voyages.  Virka became a big character in the series and the possible romance in the series with Christopher Pike never happened due to the series ending in the middle of a story.  The cliff hangers in the last issue were never resolved.