Walrus Boy

Student Peter Schwartz was bitten by an insane, rogue, lethally radioactive walrus at Henry J. Winkler Memorial High’s Science Lab. Scwartz was permanently transformed into a heavy-set, blue-skinned, walrus/boy hybrid: The Amazing Walrus-Boy!

Peter Schwartz is a free lance photographer for Infantino City’s The Daily Beaver.

Walrus-Boy’s origin is a parody of Spider-Man. His gold belt and green tights are a homage to the Silver Age Aquaman. Walrus-Boy, despite the blue skin and walrus teeth, is not recognized as a super-hero once he dons his perscription glasses, like Superman.

Walrus-Boy joined The No Mutants when he lost his powers Lethargic Lad #6.

He was asked to leave when his powers returned Lethargic Lad #7.