

Once a simple Chinese man who the Ministry of Self-Reliance had taken and retrofitted with cybernetic components. The entity now rechristened Warhead was leased to the military powers of Kahndaq aiding against the rebels of Bilaya. When ordered too, he refused the Kahndaqis declaration to eradicate the Bialyans due to acts of vengeance lacking any military value.

His employers were less than happy about his refusal to follow orders, and so they hurt him, had one of their soldiers unload a single chamber bullet into his exposed braincaseing. Eventually, Warhead escaped; travelling across the world to find refuge from both his creators and his former contractors until he could recover. Eventually he fleeing to a cloistered university in New York City, were her hoped to find a secure location in order to effect repairs.

First Contact

During the conflict sparked by N.E.M.O between Atlantis and the U.S, Warhead was roused from his stasis mode at Beckman College, where his powers to mentally control and guide technology; be it biological or mechanical in nature, had picked up the kill switch signals of the Nautical Enforcment’s suicide protocol’s executing their operatives. In wake of the mach war’s conflict resolution he began using his powers on some of the college staff. Coercing them into helping him with repairs.

Even from a good distance away from Amnesty Bay Warhead’s mental commands triggered Aquaman’s marine based telepathy, giving him migraines as he helped with repairs to his home. While still fixing himself up; Siyu prepped for eventual conflict with the hero by stockpiling munitions through his collage proxy’s.

When Aquaman came to Manhattan for the big meeting with the United Nations for delegations towards the surface world and Atlantis. Warhead sent him telepathic visions and lured him to Beckman College where he mentally controlled the staff into fighting the sea king. Once Arthur was close enough to make better contact with, he sent mental images into Aquaman’s mind detailing his background within Kahndaq and a little bit about the country corporation that made him. Fighting to gain control of the latter in an attempt to commandeer the reigns of power in Atlantis, as Warheads abilities were unable to control Aquaman directly like the others.

Aquaman realized that Warhead was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to all the calamity he’d endured and was seeking protection from any future harm by those who meant him so. In that light Arthur offered him asylum and protection while he healed. Warhead accepted the offer, eventually following him back to Atlantis.

Powers & Abilities

Bionic Enhancment

Warhead’s cybernetic augmentation had vastly enhanced his dynamic condition beyond the average human. His bionic components enable him a host of biotechnical applications which make him a dangerous and versatile opponent in the heat of combat.

  • EnhancedStrength
  • Enhanced Stamina
  • EnhancedDurability
  • Enhanced Reflexes


The main purpose of his artificial bolstering was to grant personalized military occupational interface and control. This enabled Warhead to be a one man mobile artillery hub who could operate both mechanical and biological combat artifices via thought and/or intuitive commandeering. Warhead’s primary function was the direct link up and control over any form of mechanical elements be they cybernetic or biological in question.


One of Warheads primary functions was to direct and orchestrate allied forces while out on the battlefield through the application of thought casting. Warhead is an adept mentalist with vast psychic manipulative capabilities which stem into thought reading, mind control, memory projection and immersive mirage generation; generating surreal hallucinations so potent even accomplished psychics like Aquaman can be fooled by them. Warhead is also able to stimulate neural centers of the mind to induce incredible pain within the minds he controls to make others more compliant with his commands, his telepathy is so powerful he can even effect minds from a world away.


His other facet is the telekinetic exertion over electromechanical apparatus via his cyber mind, he can wirelessly connect to and operate any form of significantly advanced mechanization without the need of physical interaction. He’s able to guide and utilize multiple military grade munitions via thought alone be they assault drones, TV monitors, automated tanks and munitions systems. Warheads mind can even sense and interact with electronic communique for the better processing of enemy action and strategizing, having picked up the faux psychic impulses utilized by N.E.M.O by accident.