Wesley Fermin


Little is known about Wesley Fermin’s origin. Probably born and raised in Hub City, he was eventually elected mayor of that city. Always given to drink, he soon sank fully into alcoholism, allowing his city to be overtaken by unsavory elements.


Wesley Fermin was created by Dennis O’Neil and Denys Cowan. He made his first appearance in The Question #1.

Major Story Arcs

The Question

Manipulated and controlled by his advisors, particularly the Reverend Jeremiah Hatch, Fermin is a largely ineffective and uninvolved leader for his city. He develops an attraction to Myra Connelly, who is forced to marry him by Hatch. When his wife runs for his office, Fermin grows increasingly unstable. After she is elected he brings a gun to her victory speech and shoots her several times, fleeing and plunging the city into chaos. He is shot to death after drunkenly stumbling into a standoff between police and several criminals.

Powers and Abilities

Wesley Fermin is a normal human being, and has no known superhuman powers or abilities.