William Stone

Commissioner William Stone was an ambitious as well as influential business man who believed in the ideas of Dr. Young pitched at Clearview on the idea of curing the murderously insane Ernest Fairchild. He quickly revealed himself to be a power hungry opportunist who merely saw Mary’s potential achievement using Neurotech in curing the young certifiable as a means of garnering fortune and power for himself and his wealthy political associates. He would even go so far as Firing Dr. Leonard Price who was adamantly against subjecting Fairchild to the procedure, so much so that he caused a physical disruption leading to an attempt on the patients life and William had him locked up at the very Institute he worked at as an inmate. When the project failed however he was furious, yelling at Mary over the phone to cover it up ordering her over to the congratulations party he had already arranged with his influential entourage who funded her project.

Under pressure by his associates for Mary Young not attending her own celebration, they all come under attack by a Dead One who ends up killing and reanimating one of their number. But Rick and Judy Young deal with. As more afflicted by the psycho plague turn up at the Young family abode, snapping back at Judy who berates him publicly, another of his business partners demands an explanation as his career is on the line due to Stone and Mary’s blunder with this plague of lunatics. When the power goes out William opts he and his delegates use Mary’s family as lures to distract the affected plague spreaders while they make a getaway. Much to the ire of Rick and his, who overhears his cowardly ploy, the former throwing him to the ground while the younger siblings berate him for his weaseling nature. As Ernie and a reanimated biker gang attacks the house Commissioner Stone tries to cut his losses and run leaving everyone else behind, when the smoke clears Mr. Stone creeps out of the damaged house finding the now truly deceased Ernie’s leftover keepsake pricking his finger on it.

Resurrection & Death

As the trial for the cause of the psycho plague gets underway, Commissioner Stone begins suffering from abnormal dreams about Dead Onez and Ernest’s reanimation which ended up devastating town and dashing his plans to market a mass franchise of mental health programs. He is soon met with; and threatened, by Mr. Price as he is questioned whether Stone is sound of mind or not.

William initially lies about his personal and psychological health but Price is not convinced. The burly former psychiatrist pinning him to the wall with a shotgun cocked beneath Stone nose warning him of what’ll happen if he shows signs of irregularity.

Stone is left to his own devising’s for a bit before the trial can get underway the next day. He soon falls unconscious due to having Ernie’s psyche inside his mind having been satisfied by his mistress Lady Death in just about every way possible. Early into the court hearing, Stone still feels uneasy ever since what happened last night. Blaming his old associate Ms. Young for everything going wrong since horror night when the dead began rising from their graves.

During the case hearing, Will tries to placate blame for the terrors that occurred entirely upon Mary to cover his own misdeeds. Divesting himself from the Neurotech fiasco while his lawyer highlights how Stone swore off her project if it didn’t perform as advertised.

All the while however. Ernie was working his way through stone’s mind from the Silent Graveyard; his benefactor and lover’s domain. As former partner calls him out on being a coward and a charlatan, the evil one uses his powers in conjunction with Death’s to create a tidal uproar of zombies to shriek outward into Stones waking anima. While back in the physical world Ernest’s host begins losing it due to his machinations.

Said Commissioner begins to hallucinate while trying to justify Mary’s guilt in the fiasco; the delusions he saw of the button he’d pricked his finger on having always been bad before and have now grown infinitely worse during the hearing.

People wonder what is wrong with him as he starts rambling about market shares and psychological health franchises on top of swatting at the phantasm buttons popping up in his imagination. Gradually losing more and more of himself to Ernie’s influence. Stone’s body shows symptoms of his possession by the malevolent force as the Smiley buttons face starts popping up as abnormal growths all up and down his forearms while a grisly smirk, with green goo oozing between his teeth, stretches across his face. He begins to speak in the voice of Evil Ernie himself while crying out for salvation as a host of stunned patrons watch the whole thing from afar. Including Dr. Price outside the courtroom.

The cowardly official squeals his last pitiful plea while Leonard rushes in for the kill, intent on preventing what he knew all along was coming. A single shotgun blast later and William Stone’s entrails are splattered across the board hall, killing him instantly. Scant moments later however, his cadaver begins to rise by itself as Stones mortal remains transfigure into the twisted and decaying image of Evil Ernie.

The Master of the Dead finally having been reborn again into the living world.