Xiomara Collins


Icon and Rocket: Season One


Xiomara first introduces herself to Mrs. Ervin (Rocket ‘s mother), presenting herself as an attorney offering pro bono services. Xiomara offered to help Mrs. Ervin fight against authorities who sought to get Mrs. Ervin to incriminate herself due to Rocket and Icon‘s vigilantism. Hearing that Xiomara is an attorney makes Rocket believe that she works with Icon.

Saving Ms. Ervin

The villainous Mr. Lord came and attacked Mrs. Ervin, but Xiomara came, wielding a giant sword, to fight him off. Lord was able to dispatch Xiomara relatively quickly, but after Icon intervenes, searing Lord with his heat vision, Xiomara is able to decapitate Lord with her sword.

Communication with Icon

It is revealed that Xiomara has some kind of connection to Icon- a connection that Icon feigned ignorance of when Rocket asked him. She is seen flying off in a jet with several hearts painted on it; this is likely a sign that Xiomara is a member of the forthcoming Love Army, a clandestine organization of superhumans.

It is also revealed that Xiomara, though physically distanced from Icon and Rocket, can use her telepathy to not only eavesdrop on their communication, but also telepathically commune with Icon.

Love Army

Xiomara, once she returns to her secret organization, is asked about Icon and Rocket. Xiomara reveals that she wants to recruit Rocket, despite her “greenness,” while Icon is “fine.”