

Having been born the runt of the litter, his smaller size led to his eventual freedom after his family was captured by hunters. Managing to escape, but not save his own family, Yale wandered the snowy planet of Saard until he found his new family. Years later when the Morphin Grid was reestablished, Yale was imbued with Morphin Grid energy. Cast out by his new family, scared of his power, Yale was joined by his owner as they lived in the wreckage of their home.

Major Story Arcs

Necessary Evil

Yale Vs. the Power Rangers
Yale Vs. the Power Rangers

Tasked with searching the planet Saard for Grid-connected beings, Jason, Zack and Trini discover Yale and his owner in the wreckage of their home. Yale, believing that the Power Rangers to be a threat, attacked them in defence of his master, managing to overwhelm them until Kiya joined the battle. Leading to his capture.

After betraying her fellow Omega Rangers, Kiya freed Yale from his prison, apologising for his imprisonment and offering a position amongst her Anointed. Yale rejected the offer and went his own way.


No longer empowered, Yale joined the Omega Rangers in their mission to defeat the Empyreals, taking the team across the universe. During the invasion of The Spectrum II by The Horrid, Yale defended the ship from the invaders. Throughout his travels across the universe, Yale developed a friendship with Drakkon, indirectly helping him towards his grand scheme.

Arriving back on Safehaven after rescuing the remaining population of Hartunian’s from the destruction of their home planet, Yale began to grow closer to Reeshka, a refugee. Protecting her from vicious animals that sought to eat Reeshka and her friends.

Omega Blue

Chosen by the Blue Emissary
Chosen by the Blue Emissary

Reminiscing over the past, Yale began to hear the voice of the Blue Emissary, calling out to him, guiding him towards the Morpher of the Blue Omega Ranger. The Blue Emissary chose him to take over where Kiya had failed, as the new Omega Blue Ranger.

In the Omega Rangers time of need, Yale was teleported to them via Safehaven’s Master Arch to rescue them.

The Eltarian War

Now reunited with his fellow Rangers, the Omega’s use the Master Arch to join the Earth Rangers in their fight against the Eltarian Army and the Empyreals.

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