Yarro Gort

Yarro Gort is a scientist from Zenn-La. He is evil, cunning, cold and merciless.

He built a ship to take Shalla Bal to Earth at her request. She made a deal with him that if the Silver Surfer had forsaken her that she would be his wife.

When they arrived on Earth they found the Surfer in a battle with guerrillas in South America. Their ship was shot down and they were captured. Yarro offered the general of the army his weapons and technology in order to help destroy the Silver Surfer. When Shalla tried to stop him she was shot. This enraged the Surfer and he retaliated, killing the general. Whether Yarro survived is unknown, but the Surfer repaired his ship and flew Shalla back to Zenn-La. If he survives he remained on Earth.