Zeaklar Belgewater

Zeaklar lives in Tent City, the slums surrounding Dynamo City. It is a place where you came come in but have to pay a high tax in credits if you want to leave, the city also strips you off of any energy you might carry. He has been stuck there for three years and is craving to leave the planet. Zeaklar has trouble finding an employment since he is not skilled nor strong enough. He survives with the help of the underground economy. Zeaklar even tried to sell his dreams and memories to the elite of Dynamo City but unfortunately they were not interesting enough to them.

Zeaklar has already been caught three times breaking the law and one more time would mean death penalty.

Zeaklar and the Silver Surfer

Zeaklar meets the Surfer in Tent Town and starts introducing him to the crual world of Dynamo City. He becomes the Surfer’s agent when he wants to be hired for the Light Show and use this as a mean to see the Great I, founder and ruler of Dynamo City. After the Surfer discovers that the Great I is nothing but a cosmic data processor, he is taken to the Judicial Building for his last trial. Zeaklar then has the idea of getting arrested with the Surfer and go hit a robot law officer. They are judged in a rather unfair trial, with their robot lawer turned off because they are guilty (sic) and a lot of phony testimonies.

Finally, they are “terminated”, that is to say thrown off into space. Zeaklar had realized that it would bring back the Surfer’s powers and the latter helps him breathe by creating a cube of oxygen around him.

They part ways and Zeaklar is heading for a planet called Pyrofax.