Kam Solusar


Kam Solusar was originally a student of the dark side during the return of Emperor Palpatine in clone form in the years after the battle of Endor. He was eventually turned to the light side of the Force by Luke Skywalker and would become the first student at his Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. Kam was not the strongest user of the Force among Luke’s students but was a dedicated student and would become one of the first to join the ranks of the new Jedi Order.

Kam eventually rose to the rank of Jedi Master and would marry one of his fellow Jedi, Tionne. Together they would take over the running of the Jedi Academy from Luke and played a key role in protecting the students and keeping them hidden during the Yuuzhan Vong war. When the Jedi Praxeum was attacked by the Vong, Kam and Tionne were able to evacuate their students from the doomed Academy. Kam and Tionne later took charge of the Jedi Academy on Ossus.

During the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, the Ossus Academy was attacked by Galactic Alliance Guard – an elite unit controlled by Jacen Solo, aka Darth Caedus – who used coma gas to incapacitate many Jedi in the Academy. Jaina Solo sensed a disturbance, allowing her to escape and alert other Jedi. But despite this, many young Jedi were killed by GAG soldiers. Many students were evacuated, but many also remained in GAG captivity. Kam’s wife, Tionne, attempted to help her students, but was stopped by Major Salle Serpa, who blasted away Tionne’s leg and arm, trying to force the Jedi out of hiding to save Tionne. He succeeded; Kam and other Jedi attacked from the shadows, but were brought down by GAG sniper fire. The snipers were killed by Jaina Solo, and Serpa was taken down by Zekk. Kam survived the sniper fire, and his wife lived with her injuries, requiring prosthetic limbs from that day forth.