Altin Ad’Ms


Altin Ad'Ms
Altin Ad’Ms

Altin Ad’Ms is a rookie Green Lantern from the planet Okaara. He is known as the most favorite son of Okaara, signifying his standing as a premiere warrior amongst the Okaaran people. Altin is assigned to patrol the Vegan system sector (Space Sector 2828) with his partner and fellow rookie Gorius Karkum. During his only recorded mission, Altin and Gorius were in pursuit of a stolen starship when Altin was fired upon by a R.E.B.E.L.S. vessel intent on capturing the ship for their own. Although Altin was uninjured, he was enraged by the attack and set after the R.E.B.E.L.S. vessel for revenge. Gorius quickly intervened to stop her partner, advising him that this breach of protocol needed to be handled by Lanterns higher up in the Corps structure then Gorius and her-hot headed partner.

As Goruis predicted, Vril Dox the commander of R.E.B.E.L.S. , was soon contacted by Senior Lantern Salaak warning Dox not to provoke any further conflict with the Corps. Dox arrogantly dismissed this warning, but tensions between R.E.B.E.L.S. and the Green Lantern Corps continue to escalate as both entities seek to position themselves as the true protectors of the universe.


Altin Ad’Ms was created by Tony Bedard and Claude St. Aubin in the series R.E.B.E.LS.

Character Evolution

Altin Ad’Ms appearance in R.E.B.E.L.S. depicted his evolution from a “white circle” Lantern in training to a full fledged Lantern. During the story arc, Altin impressively fought Lobo to a standstill.

Major Story Arcs

Altin Ad’Ms origin story was told in the R.E.B.E.L.S. storyline “What Happens in Vega…” which chronicled the escalating turf war between the R.E.B.E.L.S. and the Green Lantern Corps.

Powers And Abilities

As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, he wields a green power ring with all the associated powers and limitations.

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