In the acclaimed elseworld series Kingdom Come, Americommando was one of the new more violent heroes who was more close to be a villain. After the destruction of Kansas, Americommando, along with Brain trust and the Minutemen, attempt to stop all immigration to the USA, by extreme measures. The team found opposition in the Red, White and Blue robotic team, and the fight between both groups endangered the innocent bystanders in the middle. It was not until the rintervention of Superman and the Justice League than Americommando was stopped.
It was revealed later than Americomando and his team were backed by Lex Luthor and the M.L.H. as part of their plan to make grow the conflicts between metahumans and cause a war between humans and metahumans. Americommando was described as “Captain America as if he were designed by Rob Liefeld” by Kingdom Come creators Alex Ross and Mark Waid.