Very little is known about Carlton Marvell. It is known that he was an explorer in the early 20th Century, and by the 1930s he was looking to explore worlds other than Earth. Unsatisfied with the state of rocket technology, he was introduced to the concept of the Dreamtime by an australian aborigine shaman.
Similar, in theory, to The Bleed, Marvell decided to travel between universes via the Dreamtime, and the best place to do that was at Ayers Rock in the center of Australia.
He initiated his gateway with Elijah Snow in 1931, but swore Snow to secrecy before he left this universe forever.
Similar to other concepts from the series Planetary, Carlton Marvell serves as an expy to other characters from the pop culture of the 20th century.
In the case of Marvell, he is a reference to the sci-fi stories in comic strips like Buck Rogers, and Flash Gordon were the titular hero is an explorer native of earth who travels to strange alien worlds beyond the dreams of men. These stories are inspired in the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars, who also has had version of the story in comics.
The popularity of Rogers and Gordon would inspire later similar characters like, Gary Concord, the Ultra-Man, Adam Strange, Dan Dare and similars.