Catherine was born to an upper class family in France. When she was young, her father disappeared, leaving herself, brother, and mother to fend for themselves. Using the money her father left for his family, Catherine’s mother involved herself in French politics. For Catherine, this was an easy transition as her father was also heavily involved in politics. Even as her mother became quite an outspoken activist against various civil atrocities, Catherine enjoyed her life as much as she always had before her father disappeared.
Catherine was extremely well educated, even being schooled in various countries across the globe. Attending the best schools money could buy, Catherine easily picked up and became fluent in several different languages. After graduation from high school, Catherine worked her way through college by modeling. Modeling came easy to her and as a result, her face was splashed across most (if not all) magazines in France, Europe, and eventually the U.S..
When she ultimately finished college, her plan was to help her younger brother Marc through his tenure at college. He didn’t need her help though as he made it through college on sports grants. Ever the irresponsible one, Marc tired of the “normal” life he led in school and became somewhat of an adventurer. When Catherine learned of his exploits, she too wanted to follow after her family’s footsteps and do some meaningful good in the world.
Thinking the best way to “do some good” was to get a job in the U.N.. She started off as just an entry level position but quickly worked her way up to more decision making roles. Throughout every different role she filled with the U.N. she kept the welfare of all people in her thoughts, plans, and actions. This is what drew the attention of Maxwell Lord when he joined the U.N. as the representative for Justice League International. He was so taken by her drive and professionalism that he signed her to be the Paris embassy chief for Justice League Europe. It was in this capacity that she eventually worked her way up to the JLE chief, replacing Captain Atom.
It was in these roles that she involved herself heavily with the individual members of both Justice League Europe and Justice League America. She was viewed by all members as invaluable and completely trustworthy. Forming close bonds with Sue Dibny and Captain Atom, the latter being a brief romantic relationship. Her work with the Leagues eventually led her to be promoted to the title of “Special Officer on Paranormal Forces”. This meant she was now in charge of both branches, even over Maxwell Lord. She remained in the position until the eventual dissolution of the Justice League’s U.N. sponsorship.
She was later briefly seen in a relationship with Captain Atom’s alternate self Monarch.
Major Story Arcs
Moving Day
* The first appearance of Catherine
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, out of costume are out at a Cafe in Paris, when the two heroes see Catherine for the first time. Booster goes to hit on her, thinking that it’s a sure thing. 45 seconds later Michele and Ted are walking back to the embassy, and Beetle is laughing about how quick Catherine shot Booster down. Back at the Embassy Catherine arrives and bumps into Booster, in costume, she doesn’t recognize him so he quickly sneeks away. Then Black Canary shows up and introduces herself and when she introduces Cath to Beetle, he can’t stop laughing.
Alternate Version
Booster Gold: Blue and Gold
An alternate reality version of Catherine lured Blue Beetle and Booster Gold into a trap by using an old JLI distress signal. Her attack, however, was interrupted by Hawkman and Green Arrow, allowing Blue Beetle and Booster Gold to escape. They confronted Maxwell Lord and discovered the source of the diverging realities. When they fixed the source, that alternate reality disappeared, Catherine included. Only Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Rip Hunter retained any memories of this alternate Catherine.
In Other Media
Young Justice: Invasion
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Catherine appears in the series as the Justice League’s public relations manager. She is voiced by Stephanie Lemelin.