Pre 52 Origin

When the Old Gods fell in Ragnarok, the New Gods filled the void. But this was a cycle, and the power, methodology and ultimate fate of the Old Gods remained within the New Gods. All that is Darkseid’s has been taken by him through blood and force. It is unsure how Uxas evolved into the embodiment of evil that he is now. But it is known that two key events propelled him on his path. First, Uxas killed his mother, Heggra, to wrest control of Apokolips from her after Yuga Khan, his father, was trapped on the Source Wall in his attempt to unlock the secret of The Source. Then Desaad betrayed Drax, Uxas’ brother, as he was trying to master the Omega Effect. Uxas then killed his brother, rightful heir to the Omega Effect. With power and a drive to accomplish his goals without regret or remorse, Uxas took up his God Name: Darkseid.
At one point, and for the only time in his life, Darkseid fell in love. He took as his wife a woman named Suli, a scientist who believed in using power not for conquering but for the common good. Queen Heggra, terrified that Suli might “corrupt” her son, had Desaad assassinate her, but not before she bore Darkseid a son named Kalibak. Upon Suli’s death, Darkseid had Desaad poison his mother as revenge then eternally turned his back on the concept of love.
To him all of existence is a horror of chaos on which order must be imposed. And that order must be answerable to one will alone, his will.
New 52 Origin
As a mud grubber on his home world, Uxas despised the Old Gods. Feeling they cared little about him and his people. Enraged by another Old God rampaging through his village, Uxas traveled up the sacred mountain were the Old Gods slept. As they slept, Uxas whispered into the ears of all the Old Gods, causing them to turn on one another. They clashed and as they were weakened by battle, Uxas killed them one by one. Absorbing their great power, Uxas was transformed into Darkseid. His appearance was altered and outwardly he showed a rocky and greyish appearance. Armor began to wrap around his body covering his body and head. His beard was covered and he no longer had brown hair.

Meanwhile, Darkseid’s brother, Izaya, begged the Sky Father to return Avia, his now dead wife to him. Instead, the God granted Izaya his power. Izaya was granted the power because of his faith and took the name Highfather. The brother in laws competed in a battle that would design the fate of their world.
Darkseid was filled with such contempt that the planet was destroyed during battle with Highfather. The battle broke the world apart and two worlds existed. When Darkseid overcame his brother, he controlled Apokolips, a hellish world where he is the reigning monarch while Highfather ruled New Genesis. Eons passed and an individual named Kaiyo, the Chaos Bringer, a teleporter had laughed at parademons fighting amongst themselves. This angered the ruler of Apokolips, he attempted to kill Kayio. But she had an unknown ability to jump to different dimensions.
Darkseid followed, and what he found was other worlds to conquer that he didn’t even know existed. Darkseid went on to conquer many worlds in the pursuit of Kaiyo. He conquers and vanquishes many of these planets including Earth-2 and Earth-3.
Although during the events of Darkseid War he was stalemated and then killed by Mobius also known as The Anti-Monitor (New-52 version).
Darkseid was created by Jack Kirby and debuted with a cameo in December, 1970 in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #133. Darkseid made his Full Appearance, three months later in The Forever People #1.
Character Evolution
Silver Age: Earth One

It was not known what occurred in the first few millennia of his rule. But eventually a war was waged (most likely instigated by Darkseid) between Apokolips and New Genesis. To stop this war that would surely have exterminated the New Gods, a pact was made between New Genesis and Apokolips. The terms of the pact were that Scott Free (Mister Miracle), the son of the leader of New Genesis Highfather Izaya, would be traded for the son of Darkseid, Orion. This trade would seem an odd move for the cunning Darkseid, as it has been foretold that Orion would be the one that slays him. But Darkseid knew the fires that raged within his son were hotter than the fires that raged from the pits of Apokolips, and that when the fury of Orion was loosed all the New Gods would tremble. All except Darkseid. And when the time came, Orion would slay his father, and end his tyrannical rule.
Modern Age: New Earth
After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, not much Darkseid history was change. The prophecy had come to past as Orion rips his father’s heart out while the two had their final battle with each other. The once powerful and mighty Darkseid had fallen in battle at the hands of his son as foretold. However Darkseid, always the strategist, cheated death by possessing human the body of Dan Turpin as a host for his resurrection and releasing the Anti-Life Equation on Earth. After many deaths and ultimate control of billions of humans, during the Final Crisis event.
Earth holds the secret: one place forms the threat to his dreams and you are living on it. So Darkseid plays a game to bring this place into his dominion and he counts upon that dark side of your soul for his victory. It’s what Legends has been all about.
Post-Flashpoint: Earth-0
In Justice League #1, Darkseid’s name is invoked by a Parademon. He is later mentioned again in Justice League #2, and in Justice League #3 Darkseid make his first appearance in the series, seen in a vision by Victor Stone after he is injured by an exploding Mother Box. In the final pages of Justice League #4, Darkseid himself appears. In Justice League #5, the League confronts him but they are overpowered by him, when he severely hurts Superman with his Omega Beams and breaks Green Lantern’s arm. Finally, in Justice League #6, Darkseid is driven out when Cyborg activates the invaders’ Mother Boxes and the Justice League force him through a Boom Tube, however it was not an easy task. The issue also reveals Desaad and Steppenwolf, referring Darkseid’s daughter and their ceaseless search for her across countless worlds. In Legion of Super-Heroes #3, a Daxamite dignitary refers to Daxamites having been used by Darkseid as enforcers in the past (a reference to the Great Darkness saga).
Major Story Arcs
Silver Age: Earth One
The Forever People
While on Earth the Forever People disrupted the evil plans of Darkseid. This was not the kind of attention Mark wanted, During their visit Beautiful Dreamer was kidnapped, Mark was not impressed. Due to the fact that they had stumbled across an intergalactic war, New Genesis and Apokolips Had got themselves into a war while they were vacant from supertown, Mark blamed Sarifan for the situation they were in. They had to rescue Dreamer. Darkseid was the leader of the Apokolips. He was about to test the Non-Violent Group to there fullest.The war was the fault of a maniac partner of Darkseid known as Devilance, They both partnered up to destroy the peaceful place of New Genesis, they waged war on all that was peaceful, and earth was where he chose his headquarters.
Modern Age: New Earth
Anti-Life Equation
With a planet under his iron rule, Darkseid began to create a war machine with a capability to wage war that outstrips that of whole galaxies. Soldiers, weapons, armaments, and other instruments of war at his disposal. Most of these are to wage a war with his fellow New Gods on New Genesis. Unlike Apokolips, New Genesis is a lush, idyllic planet populated by just or righteous Gods. Much to Darkseid’s chagrin the New Genesis is more advanced since free will and creativity are encouraged there.
Darkseid’s greatest ambition is to eliminate all free will from the universe and reshape it into his own image. To this end, he seeks to unravel the mysterious Anti-Life Equation, which will give him complete control over the thoughts and emotions of all living beings in the universe. While he has yet to obtain a working copy of the Anti-Life Equation, Darkseid has tried on several other occasions to achieve dominance of the universe through other methods. He has a special interest in Earth, as he believes humans possess collectively within their minds most, if not all, fragments of the Anti-Life Equation.
Olympian Gods
Seeing other gods as a threat, Darkseid invaded the island of Themyscira in order to discover the secret location of the Olympian Gods. He planned to overthrow the Olympians and steal their power. Refusing to aid Darkseid in his mad quest, the Amazons battled his parademon troops, causing half of the Amazon population’s death.
Our Worlds at War

Wonder Woman was able to gain her revenge against Darkseid for killing so many of her sisters later on during the Imperiex and Brainiac 13 by placing a portion of her own soul into Darkseid, without his immediate knowledge, when she and her sisters, along with Raven, reignited his Omega Powers. The newfound scrap of goodness in him supposedly weakened the god’s power as he lost a portion of his dark edge.
He later made a cameo appearance during JLA/Avengers, where he was shown in the possession of the Infinity Gauntlet. After finding out that the Gauntlet was useless outside of its home universe, he casually discarded it.
Death of New Gods and Countdown to Final Crisis
Meanwhile, during this time Darkseid orchestrated events to his liking, observing what was happening across the universe as the death of the Fourth World drew near, plotting to remake the universe in his own image. As New Gods were killed across the galaxy, Darkseid marshaled his forces on Apokolips, even resurrecting Virman Vundabar despite his earlier attempt to assassinate Darkseid–notably putting his forces in defensive deployments. In conversation with Metron, he then indicated that he knew more than his fellow New Gods about what was transpiring with the mysterious God-killer, which he refused to share, content in knowing more than Metron for once. It has since been revealed that Darkseid appears to be manipulating almost all the key characters in Countdown to Final Crisis on a giant cosmic chess board. He has given his protection to Jimmy Olsen, vaporizing a parademon for attacking him, and he has ensured that Karate Kid, carrier of the Morticoccus virus, survives. His reasons for both these are unknown. Later he attempts to recruit Mary Marvel as his sorceress using his pawn Eclipso, but she turns on him and escapes. He has also assigned Desaad to ensure the “Great Disaster” comes about, and assigned Granny Goodness to recruit new Female Furies from Earth in the guise of Athena. It has been indicated Darkseid seeks the rise of the “Fifth World”, possibly on Earth, and is harnessing the Great Disaster and the Death of the New Gods to bring this about. Additionally, Darkseid has been manipulating the monitor Solomon to bring about a war between the Monitors and Monarch for the fate of the Multiverse.

It is later revealed that Darkseid had turned Jimmy Olsen into a container for the powers of the New Gods. He sends Mary Marvel, whom he had coerced into taking back her dark powers, to capture him. Superman comes to Jimmy’s aid, only for Darkseid to take control of Jimmy’s powers, making him radiate Kryptonite. Ray Palmer manages to shut off Darkseid’s control, and the villain is confronted by a gigantic turtle-like Jimmy. After battling Jimmy across the Metropolis landscape, Darkseid moves in for the kill only to witness The Atom emerge from Jimmy’s head. Palmer quickly destroys the vessel of the New Gods’ powers freeing them into the void. Enraged, Darkseid is taken by surprise when a Boom Tube opens above the skies of Metropolis. His scion and son Orion emerges from the tube, having managed to escape being murdered by the Infinity Man. Orion and Darkseid battle, and after a furious exchange, at the end of it all, Darkseid realizes it was not meant to be and his heart is ripped from his chest by his own son.
Yet, his son’s victory was a Phyrric one at best. When Darkseid “died” his essence was thrown back through time and space, landing on Earth months before the fall of the New Gods and twilight of the Fourth World. it is revealed that Darkseid finally discovered the Anti-Life Equation, and is using it to create a power-base on earth. The other members of his elite are also embodied on earth, Desaad is an evil psychiatrist, Granny Goodness is a pimp for the Female Furies, and Darkseid himself is now an evil businessman who is referred to only as “Dark Side”. It is revealed that Darkseid actually gave the Sheeda North America in return for Aurakles, Earth’s first superhero. This is, in turn, purely in order for Darkseid to get Shilo Norman, whom he considers the “Avatar of Freedom”, in his clutches so that he can eventually destroy the New Gods. While attempting to gather an army for his rise to power, Darkseid has run-ins with Oracle‘s Birds of Prey, the Teen Titans and Bart Allen as the Flash. After he has enough he sets his plan into motion.
With his follower and disciple, Libra, proclaiming to the Society of Super Villains that they can be given their heart’s desire if they pray to the “God of Evil”, Darkseid is able to gather even more power as “Boss Dark Side”, leader of the villainous “Dark Side Club”. Using Metron’s abandoned Mobius Chair, Darkseid assassinates his son Orion via a “time travel” radion bullet fired into the past following Orion “killing” his father, an event which brought Dark Side’s actions to the attention of the Superhero Community. Darkseid begins to take over Earth with the aid of the corrupted Mary Marvel, Libra, Mr. Simyan, Mokkari and the astral forms of his fellow evil New Gods, who like Darkseid now possess human bodies. This signals the beginning of the Final Crisis.
Final Crisis
Darkseid appears during the events of Final Crisis. He and the rest of his elite core of followers have reappeared in Bludhaven, operating a business known as the ” Dark Side Club”. In their new states of existence, the New Gods are capable of possessing human bodies and using them as hosts, though the process eventually kills the host and necessitates a new body. Following the murder of Orion, Dan Turpin discovered that the Dark Side Club was connected to the disappearances of several metahuman children. In Darkseid later reveals to Turpin that he gained control of the Anti-Life Equation and is using it to corrupt the children, being looked over by Granny Goodness and Bernadeth.

Over the following weeks, Darkseid used his servant Libra to unite Earth’s super villains in the Secret Society, planning to use them in his coming conquest of Earth. Additionally, Darkseid had Libra arrange an attack on the Daily Planet to distract his old enemy Superman, murdered the Martian Manhunter as a means of recruiting more super villains, framed Green Lantern Hal Jordan for the murder of Orion, captured Batman, and infected Wonder Woman with an unknown virus, depriving the Superhero community of some of their greatest leaders. In addition, Darkseid also took to restarting the Evil Factory with the intent of making new bodies for the New Gods, at which point Turpin realized that Darkseid was trying to take over his body. Following these events, Darkseid released the Anti-Life Equation over the Internet, bringing all who saw under Darkseid’s will and capable of spreading it to others. Darkseid eventually succeeded in taking over Turpin’s body. However, an unknown force resurrected Barry Allen, the second Flash, in an effort to stop Darkseid, whose very presence was corrupting the multiverse. One month into his rule of Earth, Batman managed to free himself and confront a Darkseid. He shot Darkseid with the same radion bullet Darkseid used to kill Orion, while at the same moment Darkseid unleashed his Omega sanction on him. Darkseid was wounded and poisoned by radion, but still alive. His defeat came about when Barry Allen and Wally West guided his own omega beams, the bullet that killed Orion from another time, as well as the Black Racer, to him.
Post-Flashpoint (New 52)
Earth 2 World’s End
More recently Darkseid has accidentally been revived from a stasis like prison on Apokolips by Miracle Man. He has been fighting the heroes of Earth-2 while waiting for Apokolips to devour planet Earth. Apokolips is revealed to be a God planet that needs to feed on other planets. At the end of Earth-2 and Worlds End, Darkseid fought Flash, Aquawoman, Powergirl, Val-Zod, Dr. Fate, Batman, Red Tornado (Louis Lane) and other heroes. They proved ineffective against the powerhouse of evil. Darkseid seemed to barely even try and yet he was beating the team down with ease. Powergirl went for Darkseids eyes and seemed to cause Darkseid some pain, but Darkseid quickly put her down too. He is then quickly shown to have regenerated the wounds to his eye right before Alan Scott arrives with the power of all the Green from the Multiverse. Along with all the power of all of the Green, Earth-2’s council decide to make Alan their avatar as well. So he gained the power of the red, grey, white, blue etc and he still could not defeat Darkseid. As the fight continues on he notes that he feels weaker due to Earth-2 being severely weakened and on the brink of being consumed by Apokolips. He seemingly makes his last act as Green Lantern an honorable one. He somehow uses his abilities to recharge Powergirl, Val-Zod and the other heroes.
Darkseid War
Having fought and stalemated Highfather Izaya for several days straight, as well as searching for his long lost daughter throughout the Multiverse, another powerful threat, the Anti-Monitor seeks vengeance for his previous downfall. Drawn to Earth-0 from an ancient Amazonian ritual, Darkseid’s daughter brings her father to face off against the Anti-Monitor in a war where the Justice League are caught in the crossfire.
The battle was so brutal, the heroes could barely intervene much less stop the Dark God and Anti-God. Frustrated by their apparent stalemate, Darkseid summons death in the form of the Black Racer to cripple the Anti-Monitor. Unfortunately, the Anti-Monitor returns the favor by bonding the Black Racer to Barry Allen, turning him into the Black Flash. Using the Anti-Life Equation in his veins, Anti-Monitor supposedly kills Darkseid through the combination of his Anti-Matter Blasts, Anti-Life Equation and Flash fused with the Black Racer and the power of the Speed Force combined.
In the aftermath of Uxas’ demise, some members of the Justice League would gain increased powers and become New Gods. Grail would gain the Anti-Life Equation while these Justice Gods battle Mobius. On Apokolips, the Omega Effect returns and consumes Lex Luthor turning him into the New Darkseid who then does battle with Mobius. When Superwoman has her baby, she uses the phrase Mazahs to tap into the child’s abilities and all the powers of Darkseid are placed into the child. The last power is the Omega Beams effect, which transforms the baby into the new vessel of Darkseid. Grail escapes with the baby, now transformed into a young Darkseid and will raise him.
Powers and Abilities
The evil New God Darkseid is one of the most powerful beings in the DC Multiverse and has conquered entire universes through his immeasurable powers, iron will, cunning intellect and the military might of the entire realm of Apokolips that worships him as the God of Evil. While thought of as just like any other New God, Darkseid is in fact an entity as a result of the host bonding themselves with the Omega Effect. Uxas is the best known Darkseid however currently Lex Luthor is the New Darkseid. His true power can be measured with the likes of Trigon and the Anti-Monitor. Darkseid, Apokalips, and New Genesis reside outside of the Multiverse. Whilst being one of the most powerful beings in the DC Multiverse, he takes many forms, avatars even. The New Gods aren’t affected by Crisis. Post Crisis Darkseid is the same as Pre-Crisis Darkseid.
New God Physiology
The beings of Apokolips and New Genesis are cosmic beings and live in a realm called the Fourth World which is outside normal space and time. Their strength is due to their relative proximity to the Source, a mysterious energy which fuels the divine powers of the beings in Apokolips and New Genesis, as well as other powerful beings in the DC Multiverse. The New Gods are singular through the Multiverse and exist in every universe as manifestations of their true selves.
- Superhuman Strength: Uxas is a very powerful being from the planet Apokolips. His strength easily exceeds 1,000,000 tons as he is one of the strongest characters in the DC universe. However, his strength varies on his incarnation. Despite his strength fluctuations, his strength alone is a force to be reckoned with. He can easily destroy colossal objects, overpower far stronger characters especially cosmic beings, has the capability to bend and break any man-made material, lift massive objects, and easily demolish immensely fortified infrastructures. His strength is so great that he can easily overpower the entire Justice League, including their heavy hitters like Superman, Captain Atom and Orion. He has also been shown destroying a Green Lantern Ring with his bare hands, and he once effortlessly punched Superman into the Source Wall. He has even fought against the immeasurably powerful Anti-Monitor in single combat, as well as Alan Scott powered by an entire Multiverse’s worth of elemental forces. Not to mention, Darkseid knocked a Highfather amped Pre-Crisis Supergirl.
- Superhuman Speed: Due to Darkseid’s New God Physiology, he can think, react, and move faster in microseconds.Although not as fast in terms of travel speed as speedsters such as Flash. Darkseid really doesn’t care, and he relies mostly on his invulnerability. An example of Darkseid’s great speed. Darkseid is able to blast Pre-Crisis Flash before the speedster could react.
- Superhuman Stamina: Darkseid’s tissues don’t create fatigue toxins resulting in him having inexhaustible stamina. He can fight non stop for as long as it takes and can outlast any opponent.
- Invulnerability: Darkseid is extremely resistant to all forms of physical and mental harm. Darkseid’s full durability capacity varies depending on the incarnation. Overall, because he is a high-tier cosmic being, humans couldn’t even begin to harm him, bullets bounce off him, rockets, bombs and lasers won’t even leave a mark on him, and high-voltage energy emissions can’t penetrate through him. He is in fact so durable that Lobo couldn’t hurt him at all and only ended up hurting his own fists by punching Darkseid. He is completely immune to all earthly diseases and viruses. His incredible durability has also rendered him completely immune to the power of a Green Lantern ring and a tremendously powerful master-blaster, and has also withstood punches from the likes of Superman, Captain Marvel, Orion, Captain Atom and Aquaman. He can also withstand direct strikes from Anti-Monitor and his Anti-Matter blasts, a point blank planetary explosion, multiple dimensions collapsing on him or even Alan Scott as the Multiversal embodiment of the Green and the other elemental representations. As well as divine indestructible weapons such as Aquaman’s Trident and Wonder Woman’s Sword, forged by the Olympian God Hephaestus. One of his manifestations has also been overpowered and badly hurt by Doomsday (although Doomsday surprised him after being killed by an Omega Blast). Darkseid is remarkably resistant if not immune to the effects of mental manipulation, matter manipulation, time manipulation and even reality warping. It has taken the entire Justice League to cause him some sort of distress.
- Healing: Darkseid can heal from every wound, such as being stabbed through the eyes, remarkably fast like the time his eye was injured on Earth 2 during a fight with the heroes of that world, but was fine in the next fight, moments later, having regained use of his dreaded Omega Blasts. The Spectre once reduced Darkseid to ashes only to have the New God return to life. Darkseid can heal from any form of wound instantly, making him impossible to kill.
- Immortality: As a New God, Darkseid is immortal and has an extended lifespan which allows him to exist indefinitely. He doesn’t age, wither, or degrade. He has been reduced to nothing before by the Spectre but it has been shown that he reformed his body shortly thereafter.
- Immunity to disease: Like all the New Gods, Darkseid’s divine biology allows him to have an immunity to disease. Despotellis couldn’t spread the New Gods with a disease due to their immunity.
Omega Effect
Darkseid is fueled by the Omega Effect which is a force of entropy from the destructive side of the Source. He can use the Omega Effect in a plethora of ways.
- Omega Beams: Darkseid’s most destructive use of the Omega Effect. He focuses this power as a form of concussion that fires from his eyes. He has complete control over it that he can change its path or its intended purpose at will allowing for teleportation, transmutation, instant disintegration or erasion. He can make it travel in a straight line, curve, bend, or twist around corners. When it hits a target, it quickly reduces the target into nothing. His Omega Beams are proven ineffective against Wonder Woman’s bracelets, as they were created from the Olympian Aegis. Nothing has been said to survive the full Omega Effect (even Doomsday died by the blast, before near instantly coming back to life). Darkseid has tore the armor of Anti-Monitor during Crisis on Infinite Earths as well as Imperiex Prime during Our Worlds at War. Darkseid once nearly killed a weakened Anti Monitor with the Omega Beams and again pierced Anti-Monitor’s shell and brought him to his knees during the Darkseid war.
- Telepathy: Darkseid can easily read minds of others anywhere in the Universe. He can also attack them telepathically and invade their thoughts.
- Avatar: Darkseid revealed he is an avatar of his true omnipotent self, when he was talking to Anarky. This is due to the fact that the New Gods are unique and don’t have alternative versions through the Multiverse, but only one “true” New God exists for an infinite number of universes. These avatars are frequently used in place of Darkseid venturing outside the Fourth World but are still a projection of his mind, will and power only less powerful in comparison to his true form. In Final Crisis, Darkseid possessed Dan Turpin of The Metropolis Special Crimes Unit.
- Mind Control: Darkseid can control the actions and perception of multiple individuals at once.
- Telekinesis: Darkseid can mentally influence the movement of other objects to move with the use of his mind. He has been able to cause windstorms with his telekinesis or even move entire planets across the universe.
- Flight / Levitation: Darkseid can fly at incredible speeds or levitate effortlessly.
- Matter Manipulation: With the use of the Omega Effect, Darkseid can dissipate and disperse molecules from an object or organism. He can create life or erase them out of existence. He could also use it to control the internal reactions of an organism such as to de-evolve it.
- Energy Manipulation: Darkseid can manipulate energy for various purposes, such as separating Firestorm or creating blasts that can take down the entire Justice League instantly. Darkseid is so powerful that he completely destroyed the colossal planet of the Old Gods in one single move during his first fight with Highfather. He is so powerful that Darkseid can even drain the like of Mordru, and Time Trapper.
- Energy Enhanced Strike: Darkseid can charge his strikes with energy, increasing their effectiveness to a devastating degree, being able to smash planets and take down entire teams of incredibly powerful heroes.
- Energy Shield / Force Field: Darkseid can create energy shields and barriers, powerful enough to withstand the universe affecting blasts of Orion’s Astroforce and other powerful cosmic attacks.
- Dimensional Manipulation: Darkseid can open portals and travel through different dimensions and universes. He can also project his will anywhere in the multiverse.
- Resurrection: Darkseid has been known to raise the dead back to life on multiple occasions.
- Soul Manipulation: Darkseid can manipulate and corrupt the souls of individuals when he sees fit
- Teleportation: Darkseid can teleport himself and other beings anywhere in the universe.
- Size Alteration: He can easily manipulate his size, density and mass.
- Astral Projection: Darkseid can project himself in the astral plane, like the time he fought against Highfather.
- Cosmic Sense: As a powerful cosmic being, Darkseid can sense important events and changes throughout the Multiverse in space and time. He is powerful enough to make other powerhouses such as Monarch and Superman Prime into pawns on a chessboard.
- Gravity/Time Manipulation: When Darkseid reached between universes, his hand created an immense gravitational pull that twisted time and space in his surrounding area
- Power Distribution: Darkseid can grant individuals a fraction of his Omega Force or create new powerful minions such as Omega Superman who could match Dr Fate, Stayne who could match Takion and even Eclipso who could match Spectre.
- Omega Sanction: Probably one of the most disastrous effects the Omega Effect can give. It can be described as a living hell for it traps the organism in a series of alternate realities, each one worse than the previous.
The Anti-Life Equation
Like all Dark Gods, Darkseid long sought the means to rule everything in creation. He realized that despite his vast power, his enemy was choice. It was free will that kept Scott Free strong despite the years of punishment. It was free will that quelled Orion’s fiery heart, who chose to protect the ways of New Genesis and focused his rage on Darkseid. Yes, free will, choice, is an enemy. When Darkseid discovered that there was an Anti-Life Equation, a formula that would stamp out free will and allow him to mold and rule the universe at his whims as he ruled and molded despair ridden Apokolips, he essentially dedicated his life to uncovering this equation. He eventually found it during his trip through the Multiverse and used it to start the Final Crisis story arc.
Darkseid is a brutal and merciless overlord who can bend even the strongest and purest of hearts to his evil will. Noted as one of the most feared beings throughout the universe, he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of total existential supremacy and has a plethora of numerous tools at his disposal be they material, physical and most especially mental in capacity.
- Intellect: Darkseid is one of the most intelligent, experienced and cunning beings in existence, and has on multiple occasions created schemes on a cosmic level and outsmarted his opponents.
- Leadership: Darkseid is the supreme military leader of an entire realm created for war and conquest, and has successfully conquered entire universes.
- Manipulation: Even without the Anti-life Equation Darksied has proven more than once he can not only command the utmost fear and respect amongst his underlings and peers but is a shrewd conniver capable of moving hundreds of not thousands of beings towards his own agenda’s.
- Height- 7’6″ (Classic) 8’9″ (Modern)
- Weight- 1815lbs
- Race – New God
- Eyes- Red
- Hair- None
- Cosmetics-Great size, grayish colored rock like skin
- Martial Status: Widower
- Known Relatives: Yuga Khan (Father), Heggra (Mother), Infinity Man (Brother), Highfather (Brother), Orion (Son) Kalibak (Son), Grail (Daughter) Deathspawn (Son) , Mr. Miracle (Adopted Son), Grayven (Son), Steppenwolf (Uncle), Suli (1st Wife), Tigra (2nd Wife)
Other Versions
In the Amalgam universe, Darkseid is merged with Thanos to create Thanoseid.
Possible Future
In one Possible Future encountered by Aquaman, the Flash and Green Lantern, Darkseid had accomplished his goal and now ruled the universe. This version of Darkseid was defeated thanks to the combined efforts of several heroes. All trace of Darkseid was wiped out of this timeline when Orion remade the Universe with The Genesis Box. This time line was stopped thanks to the interference of Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman who kept Superman from destroying The Philosopher stone.
In this universe, Darkseid unintentionally causes a zombie outbreak on Earth while searching for the Anti-Life Equation within Cyborg. He is the first to be corrupted, and destroys Apokolips as a result.
Other Media
Superman/Batman Apocalypse

In Superman/Batman Apocalypse (a story created by Jeph Loeb and Michael Turner) is based off of Superman/Batman: Supergirl. He was voiced by Andre Braugher. Darkseid kidnaps Supergirl. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Big Barda go rescue her in Apocalypse. Batman confronts Darkseid (he threatens to destroy Apocalypse, if Darkseid does not release Kara Zor-El. Darkseid says: “Had the Kryptonian or the Amazon taken this Gamble, they would have lost. They do not have the strength of character to destroy an entire planet to achieve success. But… you are a human. You kill your own kind to win battles. It is an admirable quality. Take the girl. I will make no move against her”. Later Darkseid appears in Smallville to kill Superman. Darkseid attacks Clark. But Kara and Superman defeat Darkseid.
Justice League: War

Darkseid appears as the main antagonist of Justice League: War, voiced by Steve Blum. He sports a design similar to his New 52 incarnation, and is depicted as being much larger and more physically imposing. The film adapts the plot of the opening New 52 Justice League arc, with Darkseid launching an invasion of Parademons in order to take over the planet, only to be met with resistance from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Cyborg and Shazam (substituting for Aquaman). He is finally defeated and transported back to Apokolips at the close of the movie.
Darkseid appears once again during Reign of the Supermen, where it’s revealed that he created Doomsday, who seemingly scored a mutual kill with Superman during The Death of Superman. He also saved Hank Henshaw from his apparent death during that movie and turned him into Cyborg Superman, a cybernetic being that became his agent and pretended to be the real Superman, by saying that he needed cybernetic implants to recover from his fight with Doomsday, all in order to pave the way for another invasion from Apokolips. However, his plans were foiled when Henshaw rebelled against him and decided to follow his own designs. This time, he was voiced by Tony Todd, and also during Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.
Darkseid returns during Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, where uses Cyborg in order to spy on the Justice League and their plans. This way, he finds out that the Justice League plans to attack Apolkolips and kill him once and for all.
Lego Films

Darkseid appears in the animated movies Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League and Lego DC Comics Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom, with his voice provided by Tony Todd.
Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Darkseid makes a small appearance in Justice League: Gods and Monsters, voiced by Andre Sogliuzzo. In the alternate timeline of the film, Darkseid was a good father to his children. His son Orion was meant to marry Bekka as part of a truce between Apokolips and New Genesis, but the wedding turned out to be a mere ruse. The forces of New Genesis slew Darkseid and the rest of his followers.
DC Extended Universe

In the DC Extended Universe, Darkseid is first referenced in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Batman is briefly shown a vision of the future, where Earth has been ravaged by the forces of Apokolips, with an army of Parademons led by Superman having decimated much of the population. Darkseid does not appear in person, but his trademark omega symbol is seen scorched into the ground. At the end of the film, an insane Lex Luthor alludes to Darkseid, claiming that he his actions have brought the Earth to the attention of someone out in space. Darkseid is again referenced in Justice League, where Steppenwolf seeks to conquer the Earth in order to regain his favor.
He appears as a minor antagonist of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, played by Ray Porter.
Darkseid is first introduced as the current monarch of Steppenwolf’s homeworld of Apokolips. A completely brutal tyrant and intent on domination, he is in pursuit of the Anti-Life Equation, a cosmic mathematical formula that enslaves anyone’s minds into absolute obedience, which he traced to the planet Earth. He gathered his legions to claim his price and make Earth his firth subject world. But he is met with a united front of the world’s most powerful races (mankind, Amazons, Olympians, Atlanteans), with an intergalactic taskforce aiding them. He then led the charge against his opposition, killing many humans and slaying a Green Lantern, which left him to face the Olympian Gods and the Atlanteans, of which the former attacked him with arrows and a lightning bolt and the latter a shockwave from a mystical trident. Vulnerable, he found himself with an axe dug into his shoulder deep from the superhuman might of Ares. Enraged and incapacitated, he was kicked further back, and he was rescued from death by loyal Parademons. His retreat and his army’s splintered defensive front sealed his defeat. With his main price taken from him and the three Mother Boxes, he suffered his greatest defeat at the hands of one backwater world in a trillion of worlds in the Multiverse, Darkseid was left enraged and broken in power and strength of influece, he vowed to reclaim his lost glory and prize in the next opportunity. The power vacuum from his now weak authorithy plunged Apokolips into disarray, and his reclaimed authority’s timeline had already cleansed all his true loyalists.
Super Friends: Legendary Super Powers Show

He has first appeared in the 1970s Super Friends show, “Super Friends: Legendary Super Powers Show“, in which he frequently made various villainous schemes and constantly tried to force Wonder Woman to marry him. Darkseid also appeared in “The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians“, in which he was the main villain, along with his son Kalibak, and the torturer, Desaad.
Superman: Animated Series

Darkseid was introduced to the 1990s Superman cartoon in an effort to give Superman a greater rogue gallery. He had several teaser cameos before invading Earth. He attempts to bring Superman to his side, but when the latter refuses, he blasts him and takes him captive. Superman is later freed by Dan Turpin, but before the two can fight, The armies of New Genesis arrive and declare Earth under Highfather’s protection. Darkseid concedes, but not before vaporizing Dan Turpin for his insolence. Dan Turpin’s death was one of the most shocking moments of the show.
But Darkseid is not out for good, as he soon brainwashes Superman, makes him his pawn and sets him loose upon Earth. When he is finally freed from the brainwash, seeing the horrors he has done and that he has lost the world’s trust, Superman, enraged, seeks revenge on Darkseid. In the only instance where he directly engages in battle, Darkseid quickly overpowers and subdues Superman, but when moves to finish him with his omega beams, Superman moves quickly and cover his eyes. The resulting explosion injures them both, but Darkseid is far worse off. Superman then throws him to his slaves, telling them to do whatever they want with him. To his surprise and disgust, they pick Darkseid up and carry him to safety. Darkseid’s last words in the series: “I am many things, Kal-El… but here, I am God.”
Justice League

Darkseid is later seen in the Justice League cartoon, where, with his force decimated by New Genesis, he finds himself unable to defend against Brainiac. Despite Superman’s objections, the League and Darkseid form an uneasy alliance to defeat the cosmic menace. This however is a ruse, as Darkseid delivers the League to Brainiac in exchange for leaving his planet safe. However, Darkseid being Darkseid, he betrays Brainiac and takes control of him, at which point the league, with Orion’s help, manage to free themselves. As Brainiac’s base is about to explode, Superman, Orion and Darkseid engage in a brutal battle. In the end, Superman and Orion are pulled out by Batman, and Darkseid remains alone in the catastrophic explosion, killing him in the process.
Justice League Unlimited

In the 12th episode of the 5th season of Justice League Unlimited, Lex Luthor attempts to bring Brainiac back to life, but instead brings back Darkseid. Darkseid has obviously been affected by Brainiac, as his physical appearance has changed to incorporate aspects of Brainiac. This “new” Darkseid has been dubbed by some people as “Brainseid”. Brainseid retains Darkseid’s motives to conquer Earth and obtain the Anti-Life equation, but is considerably stronger than before. After giving his “thanks” to the villains who freed him, he promptly reestablishes order on Apokolips and once again invade Earth. This time Superman finally cuts loose and overpowers him, until Darkseid uses his Brainiac given abilities, quickly taking the hero out. He is ultimately stopped when Lex Luthor gives him the Anti-Life equation. They both disappear afterwards.

Darkseid was the main antagonist of season 10 of Smallville. Due to budgetary restrictions, he was depicted as a malevolent entity who possessed the bodies of others and was rarely seen in his true form. He arrived on Earth with his associates, Desaad and Granny Goodness, and attempted to subtly conquer the planet by bending the citizens of the world to his will. In the finale, he resurrected Lex Luthor in exchange for the body of parallel universe version of Lionel Luthor (portrayed by John Glover). Possessing Lionel, Darkseid engaged in one final confrontation with Clark Kent before being defeated once and for all.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Darkseid appeared in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode “Darkseid Descending!” voiced by Michael Leon-Wooley. Darkseid invaded Earth in an attempt to conquer the planet, but was defeated by the Justice League International.
Young Justice: Invasion

Darkseid appeared in the final scene of Young Justice, where it was revealed that he and Glorious Godfrey had worked together with Vandal Savage as part of a plan to save the Earth from the Reach, presumably so they could have the planet for themselves. Darkseid would’ve appeared as the main antagonist of Season 3 had the show been renewed, but the series was cancelled before this cliffhanger could be resolved.
However, all of this changed with the release of a third season (Young Justice: Outsiders) many years later. During the season, it’s revealed that long ago, Darkseid and his forces invaded Earth (specifically, the Mongol Empire), which was under the rule of Vandal Savage (under the name Gengis Khan). While the forces of Apokolips won, Darkseid was so impressed with the powers of Vandal Savage and his sons that he decided to spare Earth and start an alliance between the 2, where they would mutually help each other while trying to conquer the galaxy in parallel, until only Earth and Apokolips where left, after which the 2 would wage war upon each other to determine the ultimate winner. In addition, Darkseid and Apokolips were heavily involved in multiple plots during the season, like the appointing of Granny Goodness as a member of the Light, sending Miss Martian’s brother Ma’alefa’ak to New Genesis to instigate conflict between the New Gods there and the Bugs (by pretending to be Orion and acting with cruelty and arrogance), the trafficking of metahuman children as weapons of mass destruction and the search for the Anti-Life Equation. He also sends forces to help Vandal Savage defend Earth from a mind-controlled fleet of warships, which were under Starro’s control.
Justice League Action
Darkseid shows up in a few episodes of the comedic Justice League Action series, voiced by Jonathan Adams. He appears in the episodes “Fatal Fare” (where he enlists the services of Space Cabbie) and “Superman’s Pal, Sid Sharp” (where he sends his Parademons to capture Superman, but they bring back the reporter Sid Sharp instead).
Video Games
Justice League Task Force

Darkseid appears in the fighting game Justice League Task Force as the main antagonist and final boss. The game’s plot sees Darkseid attack the Earth, with his scheme involving the Legion of Doom and robotic duplicates of the Justice League. Though not playable in the game’s Story Mode, Darkseid can be used in Battle Mode and Versus Mode. In both the SNES version of the game, Darkseid’s stage is Apokolips, while he is fought aboard a space ship or station in the Sega Genesis version.
Justice League Heroes
Darkseid appears as the true antagonist of Justice League Heroes, voiced by David Sobolov. In the game’s backstory, Darkseid has been trapped in another dimension, and thus spends the majority of the game pulling the strings from behind the scenes, such as manipulating Brainiac to do his bidding. After Brainiac steals a Mother Box from the League, Darkseid uses it to escape and conquer the Earth, which he plans to turn into a new Apokolips. He is ultimately defeated by the Justice League and sent back into his dimensional prison.
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Darkseid appears in Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe as one of the main antagonists, voiced by Perry Brown. At the start of the game, Darkseid is shown defeated by Superman in the aftermath of a failed invasion of Metropolis. He attempts to flee by using a Boom Tube, but is blasted by Superman, causing a malfunction. The accident causes Darkseid to merge with the tyrant Shao Kahn to create powerful being known as Dark Kahn, the game’s main villain. At the end of the game, Dark Kahn is split back into his original two entities, both of which are now powerless. Raiden disposes of Darkseid by leaving him chained up in the Netherrealm for all eternity.
DC Universe Online
He appeared in DC Universe Online.
Injustice Gods Among Us

Darkseid appears in the Hall of Justice stage. A scene transition happens when an opponent is knocked through a teleporter into Darkseid’s throne room, where he proceeds to beat that person and Omega beam them back through the teleporter. He was later released as a playable character for the mobile version for the game.
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

The New 52 version of Darkseid appears as a playable character in the game, with his voice provided by Travis Willingham. He is also the antagonist of the “Bizarro League” DLC pack, where he attacks Bizarro World.
Injustice 2

Darkseid returns, this time as a playable character. Michael Leon-Wooley reprises his role from Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Darkseid’s gameplay style is similar to’s from the first game, and he similarly has both hands behind his back in his idle pose.

- Darkseid was featured prominently in Kenner’s Super Powers Collection line of action figures back in the 1980s.
- Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s line for Superman: The Animated Series.
- Darkseid was featured in Kenner’s Batman: Total Justice line.
- Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s DC Super Heroes line.
- Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s Justice League animated series line.
- Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s Justice League Unlimited line as part of a two-pack with Kalibak.
- A Mego-style Darkseid figure was featured in Mattel’s Retro-Action line.
- Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s DC Universe Classics Line.
- The New 52 version of Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s DC Comics Unlimited line.
- Darkseid was featured in Mattel’s Justice League Action line.
- Sideshow Collectibles released statues of Darkseid in both his classic and New 52 incarnations.
- Darkseid was featured in Diamond Select’s Return of Supergirl line, with his design based on the art of the late Michael Turner.
- Darkseid has been featured in the Heroclix game.
- Darkseid was featured in the Darkseid Invasion kit from Lego.
- An anime-style version of Darkseid was featured in Square Enix’s Play Arts Kai line.
- Funko released a Darkseid bobblehead as part of their Pop! line.
- Darkseid was featured in Fisher-Price’s Imaginext line.
- Darkseid was featured in DC Direct’s New Gods assortment.
- The New 52 Darkseid received a figure from DC Direct.
- DC Direct released a Darkseid figure in their DC Icons line as part of a two-pack with Grail.