Ellie was a minor character created by Grant Morrison who appeared throughout his tenure on Batman.
Major Story Arcs
While Ellie has no main feature starring her, she pops up through out Morrison’s Batman stories, having changed her life for the better each time. She was originally found by Batman as a young prostitute on the streets of Gotham, feeling that she was too young for that kind of life, Batman gave her a card to contact at Wayne Enterprises in order to seek employment. Batman once again comes upon her some time later after his first encounter with Doctor Hurt, learning she had gained a receptionist job at Wayne Enterprises, and finally began to turn her life around. With the inception of Batman Incorporated, Ellie can be seen at her job as the receptionist at the main door for the Wayne Enterprises building in Gotham.
She later appears still working at Wayne Enterprise. There she greets her co-worker, Arnold. Suddenly Arnold gets a strange message over the radio. Ellie asks the new worker what’s up with the radio. The co-worker is revealed to be an agent of Leviathan and kills Arnold. Ellie then hides behind her desk. The co-worker threatens her, when Talia alongside the Heretic and other members of Leviathan enter the room. The worker checks behind the desk, however Ellie has already escaped.
Ellie is present when Bruce finds the body of Damian.