Field received superhuman powers when Detonator unintentionally set off a gene bomb.
Field was created by Chaos Comics‘ original duo, Brian Pulido and Steven Hughes.
Character Evolution
Out scavenging in Los Angeles with his teammates, he came across the Ravengers. Their fight was joined by Detonator. Roulette, his teammate, changed into the powerful Reactor. Mindbender, a member of the Ravengers, abducted Reactor to bring back to Messiah, the underground crimelord.
Field and his teammates persuaded Detonator to join them in rescuing Reactor. Forcing their way into the Compound, Mindbender influenced Field to attack Detonator. Her influence over him ended, when Detonator shot Mindbender through the head.
Field is able to generate a force field. Usually he keeps the field around himself, but he is also able to extend it and use of offensively.