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Heart-Wrencher is one of the few women to become a member of the Dreadnoks. Heart-Wrencher was first seen as a member of Zartan’s organized national Dreadnok organization, which formed some time after the break up of Cobra in 1995. Little is known about her past. Her nickname is appropriate since she is often seen wielding a huge wrench as a weapon. After the Dreadnok organization began working for Cobra once again, in 2001, Heart-Wrencher and other Dreadnoks attacked Roadblock while the Joe was taping his television cooking show in Los Angeles. The attack was issued on orders from Tomax & Xamot. She later joined Cobra in the fight against the forces of a revived Serpentor, on Cobra Island, and she continues to be included in many of the Dreadnoks’ biggest operations.