### Little can be revealed on the past life of John Herod beyond the fact he is the step-father to Tyler Stone and associated with a cadre of extra-legal political conspirators and corporate oligarchs to a future dictated by capitalism. John Herod is also an intelligent, wealthy sociopath.
Mentioned by Tyler Stone briefly in need of aid to overtake Spider-Man 2099 for his actions against Alchemax, John Herod had become the constant foe of Doom 2099 after Doom’s raid of the United States by revolution to become the President of America and by order to nationalize corporate wealth back to the people. Set with other wealthy representatives, Herod orchestrated means to seize the White House back from President Doom with the fronted return of Captain America 2099 to stage a revolt that left Doom’s allies including Morphine Somers, his staff, and Wakandan mercenaries scattered. Using Captain America 2099 has the frontal puppet leader to a corrupt, redefined state with mutants hunted as criminals and illicit alien weaponry used to control the innocent- Doom 2099 would soon set to use John Herod’s own micro-technological weapons against him to overthrow the false president Steve Rogers, since deranged on junk food and drugs, as to reprogram micro-robots in John Herod’s body to render him a cripple tortured by his own technology. This effect would be assisted in part with Static Annie, Desert Ghost, Driver, and Billy The Kid. Upon the dissolve of the latter coup, Doom 2099 would abdicate himself from the USA to use his technology stolen from John Herod to better improve humanity with aid of the X-Men 2099.
John Herod would make a secondary comeback as a sentient android downloaded of his memories to battle the mutant Metalsmith who sets to battle Herod to his over-priced amusement park and the captivated patrons strong-armed to being robbed for not paying for its extreme entertainment costs. Metalsmith would gain assistance against Herod by the mutant teen vigilance of X-Nation 2099. Since then, John Herod nor his robotic doubles have been mentioned of or from the 2099 Marvel Universe.