
Conceived in the 60s by Ray Vega Loner was a costumed identity used to protect Ray’s real life identity from the intense corruption taking over the city.  Making an a strong impact right away it wasn’t long before Loner was cornered and offered an ultimatum:  leave town or his wife and children would be destroyed.

Ray took their advice. Adopting the Loner persona to provide the very protection for his family and their future that he was now providing by abandoning it, it nearly destroyed Ray to give it up. In a sense he felt as if he was made to turn tail and run and hide. This greatly effected his relationship with both his wife and son Rick. Ray never new but Rick’s mother (Ray’s wife) had always known he was Loner and took it upon her self to ensure that Rick would know it too.

Since Rick’s relationship with his father was strained, to say the least, Rick latched onto the Loner persona. He was fixated by it. When he became old enough Rick decided the city needed Loner’s brand of justice once again and has gone to work rebuilding Loner from his father’s storehouse and archive. Once Ray discovered Loner was back in town, and it was his own son Rick their relationship reached it’s breaking point and the two men came to blows.

Once Ray was satisfied that his son could handle him self in costume the two men went to work putting the Loner back on the street. Upon the completion of their first “mission” Ray would learn that he’d been duped all along. The mafia had no idea that Ray had a wife and child. He’s simply been profiled and the ultimatum reached a lucky nerve within Ray. Bringing the Molinary crime syndicate down was cathartic for all parties involved. Now that the father/son relationship was set right, it could be allowed to heal through the Loner’s exploits. 

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