Maggie Matheson


Maggie Matheson as a werewolf
Maggie Matheson as a werewolf

Maggie Matheson was a normal housewife when she fell in love with Nathaniel Hunt. She joined him on his safari outside of Marshville into the prehistoric jungle that surrounded it. They made a cabin a few miles outside of Marshville. Secretly, Maggie is a werewolf and must drink an elixir to inhibit her transformations.

Major Story Arcs

Feeding Grounds

A dinosaur crushes the bottle of elixir and Maggie begins to transform again. In her werewolf form, she pushes Nathan off a steep cliff. Nathan survives however and returns just in time to save Meriem Cooper from Maggie in her wolf-form. He’s able to tranquilize Maggie. They take Maggie back to Marshville, where the local doctor does several tests. The doctor discovers that Maggie is pregnant with twins and that she has infected Meriem with the same disease. But Meriem is immune. Maggie is kept imprisoned and drugged for six months in the Marshville prison. Suddenly she wakes up, discovers she’s pregnant and panicks. Nathaniel Hunt is set to give Maggie her medicine by shooting it into her, but is stopped by Meriem who thinks he wants to kill her. Maggie transforms into a wolf and escaped prison. Nathaniel, the father of her unborn twins, sets out to look for her.

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