

As a child, Xiao Li became lost at sea after falling off a boat. She was approached by Guardian Generals, aquatic spirits who saved her and granted her hydrokinetic powers in return for swearing fealty to the sea. Using these powers, she saved her village from a tsunami.

She later falls in love with sailor Zhang Nan, though he sees her as a sister. At her request, the Guardian Generals protect him while he is deployed with the navy. He returns home with Mei Jing, a model/actress and his new girlfriend. The guardian generals kill her in her bathtub, and Zhang Nan is convicted of the crime. He subsequently commits suicide in jail.

Major Story Arcs

The Red Ten

After the death of Throttle, Justice America tasks Crimson, Magnitude, and Mazu with searching the tunnels below the island. They discover Red‘s boat but are drawn back to the surface by the sound of Justice America destroying Orion’s statue in the wake of the latter’s death. Mazu is separated from Crimson and Magnitude, lured by the killer into a dry room. Unable to use her powers, Mazu is disembowelled.

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