Miss Gsptlsnz


Miss Gsptlsnz was created by Jerry Siegel and Curt Swan. She first appeared in Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #52.

Major Story Arcs

Miss Gsptlsnz is a female imp from the same fifth-dimensional plane as Mr. Mxyzptlk, where she refers to him as her boyfriend. In the comics, she has imp-like qualities similar to Mxyzptlk. After Gsptlsnz kissed Jimmy Olsen and broke his werewolf curse, she develops a crush on him. One time, she turned Jimmy into a human porcupine, as well as trying to stop him from marrying Lucy Lane. She even once disguised herself as a fairy godmother for Lois Lane to “help” her win Superman‘s heart. In her first humanoid appearance, she reappeared in JLA #31 as a council leader of the fifth-dimensional imps passing judgement onto Quisp.

Gsptlsnz is later seen in Countdown to Final Crisis, when Mxyzptlk was pulled through a portal by Monarch and again, he escapes.

The New 52

In Action Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition, Gsptlsnz becomes a tour guide for the Superman theme park named Action Land, but it was all an illusion created by Mxyzptlk himself.

Powers and Abilities

Miss Gsptlsnz has powers and weakness identical to those of the fifth dimension. She can fly/float through the air, teleport herself or others, and manipulate reality itself. Gsptlsnz possesses extensive expertise in advanced technology.

Other Media


Superman: The Animated Series

Miss Gsptlsnz is voiced by Sandra Bernhard (Season 2) and Jennifer Hale (Season 3). She has a human-like appearance with an indifferent personality similar to Jessica Rabbit from the Roger Rabbit franchise.

In the episode “Mxyzpixilated”, Miss Gsptlsnz seems completely uncertain why her husband, Mr. Mxyzptlk became obsessed with defeating Superman. Yet, despite her laid-back nature, Gsptlsnz cared a great deal about him and simply wants attention from Mxyzptlk. She would often change clothes in order for her to attract him. At the end, she finally got his attention after Superman was able to permanently banish him from Earth, even it is a bit divided.

In the episode “Little Big Head Man”, Gsptlsnz tried to warn Mxyzptlk that the leaders of their dimension won’t be very happy about him causing mischief, but he never listens. Sure enough, he was immediately brought here by the council to stand trial for his actions. She came to defend him as his lawyer, until they turned her into a palm tree. Then, they restored her to normal before Mxyzptlk’s three-month sentence begins.

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