
Megan Gwynn is a Welsh teenager who attends the Xavier Institute for mutants. Her mutant powers activated after an accident with her bicycle in the road nearly hitting a car. She received a scholarship to attend the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning. After enrolling at the Institute, Gwynn was assigned to the Paragons training squad under the tutelage of former New Mutant, Rahne Sinclair, Wolfsbane. When it was revealed that Sinclair had been in a romantic relationship with a student, Josh Foley she left the school, and was replaced by her former teammate, Magma.
Pixie was created by Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir and Michael Ryan and first appeared in New X-Men issue 5 (2004).
Character Evolution
Initially a background character, Megan was a member of the Paragons squad up until M-Day. As a result of the Quest for Magik story arc Megan became one of the New X-Men, later becoming a member of the main X-Men teams with many of her fellow team mates after the New X-Men disbanded. Her popularity continued to rise, resulting in heavely featuring in the Uncanny X-Men series and other X-titles, the lead-role in a Free Comic Book Day comic (starring the X-Men) and her very own mini-series. Strangely enough, her popularity has since stalled, and she only seen on a few occasions in the last years.
Major Story Arcs

Gwynn has proven herself to be an amiable and cheerful student, and she fit in well with her squad. Following the events of House of M, almost all of the Institute’s students were de-powered, leading to the dissolution of the school’s training squads. Gwynn is one of only 27 students, along with her fellow former Paragons, Trance, Wolf Cub, and Match, to have retained their mutant abilities.
Quest for Magik

In the ‘Quest for Magik’ story arc, Pixie was one of the young mutants taken into Limbo by Belasco. She and several other students were rescued by Illyana Rasputin. Illyana selected Pixie as an innocent soul from which to create a new Soulsword. The process was interrupted by Anole, and the end result was Megan holding a small Souldagger, since only a small portion of her soul was transferred and replaced with black magic. Rockslide, newly reformed, then forced Darkchylde to tell them how to get their friends, and she tells him she has to teach Pixie a teleportation spell ( Sihal Novarum Chinoth), which she does after numerous tries they manage to teleport to Belasco’s castle. She would then use the Souldagger to incapacitate and seriously weaken Belasco, allowing Illyana to finish him off.
She later mentions that Doctor Strange was willing to teach her more spells once she turned 18, but only if she took a vow of silence (perhaps an indirect way of stating that she talked too much). An examination by Amanda Sefton and Doctor Strange indicated that despite the loss of a fifth of her soul, she had “plenty of soul to spare.” After talking to Dust, Beast and Gentle, Pixie talks to Surge, telling her how she thinks Surge and David make a cute couple. They are stopped by Cyclops and Wolverine, Cyclops wanting to talk to Surge, and Pixie wanting to talk to Cyclops, but instead of that she gets to go and train with Wolverine. She then flies through the kitchen behind Loa and Wolf Cub, with Wolverine in chase, cursing about the unicorns he’s seeing as a result of her “pixie dust”.
Messiah Complex

After the birth of Hope Summers, Surge calls a meeting with the rest of the students. It is there she tells them of her plan to attack the Purifiers for what they did to the rest of the students after M-Day. As Hellion, Mercury, Rockslide, Anole, Armor and X-23 agree to help Surge, Pixie agrees to help but states that “she won’t kill anyone”. In the battle between the New X-Men and the Purifiers, Lady Deathstrike stabs Hellion through the chest and it takes both Anole and Rictor to clam her down enough so that she will be able to teleport the New X-Men back home.

Pixie then teleports every member of the New X-Men including Rictor from the battle. But as it was a blind teleport they are spread out between Washington and New York. Emma psionically hears Pixie scream and sends Iceman to collect them in the Blackbird.
While Dust, Mercury, and Rockslide are taking flowers to the dead students, Predator X heads up to where the injured ones are, but Gentle and Armor attack it so Pixie can teleport it to X-23 because she remembers Laura killing one of them, but she also teleports them all to where the X-Men are fighting. Cyclops sends the New X-Men to fight the Marauders, then Omega Sentinel (possessed by Malice at the time) starts attacking Pixie, badly beating her, but Pixie takes out her souldagger and stabs Omega Sentinel in her chest, almost killing her. After Messiah Complex has ended and the institute is shut down, she returns home to Wales.
Back Home
Following the events of Messiah Complex, Pixie returns to her hometown to find the N’Garai have plague the town and are kidnapping people to feed Kierrok the Damned, their leader. Pixie calls in the X-Men to help defeat the N’Garai and Megan has to face her fear of the mine in which her father was killed to defeat the demons plaguing her town. After defeating Kierrok, Cyclops and the rest of the X-Men take her back to America and she joins the newly reformed X-Men in San Francisco.
Hellfire Cult
For further details: Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

After attending a Dazzler concert, Megan and her companion were brutally beaten by human extremists known as the Hellfire Cult. The men wore masks that made them invulnerable to her “Pixie Dust.” In the heat of the battle (and intoxication), Pixie forgets how to teleport as well as being too angry to summon her Souldagger, and is left to fight the men hand to hand. Using skills learned from Wolverine, she attempted to fight back, but she was struck down by a club impacting on the back of her head. The incident ruined her wings as well. Somehow, Pixie managed to make it back to the Graymalkin Industries, the current home of the X-Men. Wolverine is the first to see the brutally injured Pixie and finds out what happened to her. Later Pixie is hospitalized for her wounds. When she awakes, Beast is at her side talking to her. After their chat he informs her of a special guest waiting to see her. With a glow of dancing lights around her, Dazzler enters the room. Pixie is floored as her idol is laying eyes upon her at her absolute worst.
Sometime later Wolverine catches Pixie sneaking out of the side door to the hospital. He asks her to where she is headed and she replies that she’s going to Oakland, an obvious lie. Not pushing it too hard, Wolverine asks if Dazzler offered her a “gig.” Pixie says yes and that she also declined working for her idol. Wolverine shrugs her off with a “Whatever girly girl” and Pixie begins inspecting his car. She asks if his car actually works and he dares her to ask that question again. Next thing you know the pair of them are in the car roaring down the road. Pixie begs him to slow down as they’re going too fast. Seconds later they arrive in Oakland, the place Pixie was originally headed. Wolverine questions her intentions for wanting to go to Oakland. She tells him that it’s because she thought she could start over with the X-Men. But instead of the new life she was hoping for, she was badly beaten. Pixie exits the car saying she just wanted to be a normal girl. Wolverine reminds her of her wings to which Pixie points out they’re broken because of that beating she received from the Hellfire Cult.

After a few hours of sitting on the street in her new home, Pixie realizes she’s made a great mistake by leaving the X-Men. She borrows a scooter from one of her new friends and heads back to Graymalkin Industries. Pixie is later seen driving by on the Golden Gate Bridge, still on the scooter she borrowed earlier. She has some inner dialogue with herself. It’s all mainly to pump her up and to try to keep her mind on things, just to keep things centered and in perspective. She stops along the way and makes a call to Beast. Beast informs her that the X-Men are pursuing a mutant named Empath. He also cautions her not to try and help, to just stay out of it. Pixie reminds him that she is an X-Man, and her teammates need her help. She plugs in Empath’s coordinates into her GPS, and heads off. Beast later calls her back and proceeds to yell at the poor girl. He tells her that Empath is very dangerous and she should fall back. Pixie purposely drops her phone and continues on her way. She repeats to herself that they “beat her up, they broke her wings,” and is further driven onward by her emotion.
A Raging Battle
For further details: Uncanny X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Storm and Wolverine are confronting Empath when Pixie arrives. Wolverine picks up her scent and acknowledges her presence with his signature “girly girl.” Pixie leaps off the scooter and yells at Empath, telling him to leave her friends alone. With one arm she elbows him in the nose and badly injures his face. Empath stumbles backwards and Pixie continues wailing on him. Empath tries to mind control her at this point. He repeatedly tells her to “give up” and that she has a “dead dad.” But Empath’s attempts fail and Pixie continues fighting him.
He tries harder telling her that her dad is now in hell where the other dead dads are but still she resists him. After a moment she forms her souldagger and tells Empath that she herself has been to hell. Holding the blade over her head she also informs him that he wouldn’t like it there, before plunging it into his forehead. Empath realizes he can’t see and then passes out. Later Pixie and Dazzler are seen on stage performing together.

Pixie and Nightcrawler are having a friendly race via their abilities to teleport. The race was to start at the Transamerica Pyramids and end at the Golden Gate Bridge. By the time Nightcrawler arrives, Pixie has already been there waiting on him. Nightcrawler is shocked that she had made it there so fast but even more shocked when she tells him her next piece of information. Pixie says that not only did she beat him, but she did it all in one “jump.” Nightcrawler is floored as he had to take multiple “jumps” to reach the bridge. Nightcrawler reveals that he may be slightly jealous of the young girl and challenges her to one last race. Pixie tells him to name the place and Nightcrawler says the “Danger room.”
Without giving her any further warning, Nightcrawler teleports out of sight. Pixie clears the smoke he leaves behind and even says “that’s not fair” before using her teleporting spell to chase after him. Even with his years of experience and slight trickery he just pulled, Nightcrawler still couldn’t beat Pixie back to the Danger Room. Nightcrawler praises her and tells her that she’s exceed all of his expectations and that they’re done with their teleporting lessons. Moving gently forward, Nightcrawler asks Pixie if it’s alright if they talk about her Souldagger. Pixie immediately becomes defensive and asks Nightcrawler why he wants to know. He tells her that Cyclops wanted him to ask and that just further infuriates Pixie. Nightcrawler continues on, saying that when she uses it, she’s not quite “herself.”
His comments throw Pixie into an emotional rant. She says, ” Colossus‘ crazy little sister stole a piece of my soul, do you know what that feels like, the emptiness? I HAVE A HOLE IN MY HEART THANKS TO HER.” Nightcrawler instantly feels bad and Pixie begins to tear up. A little lost in herself she recounts the moments up to when she was about to have her soul taken. They were just kids in Limbo, all alone. Mercury, Prodigy, and Elixir were all about to die until Illyana said she knew of a way to stop it. So Pixie did what she had to in order to save her friends. She gave up a piece of her soul. Snapping out of her thought Pixie begins to summon her Souldagger to Nightcrawler’s disbelief. He asks her what she’s doing, but it’s too late. She stabs him with her Souldagger with a devilish grin on her face. After a few moments she snaps out of the trance that she’s in.
Return of the Sword
For further details see: X-Infernus
Mercury and Rockslide come running down to see what all has just transpired. Beast enters as well and notes Nightcrawler laying in the middle of the Danger Room with the Souldagger in his chest. Pixie has no idea what she did and is shocked when Mercury, with the help of Rockslide, recount the events. Beast tells Pixie to pull the dagger out to which she hesitates. Mustering up some courage, Pixie pulls the dagger from Nightcrawler’s chest and is shocked when something else comes along with it. In pulling out the dagger, Pixie also managed to pull out the Soulsword from Nightcrawler’s body. In Limbo, Illyana Rasputin feels something inside her and smiles wickedly. She instantly teleports from Limbo to the X-men Danger Room, noting that they have something she was looking for.

Once again Illyana demands that Pixie return her Soulsword, but gives up tries to reason with her. He fails and is knocked aside by Illyana while Pixie cowers with the sword clutched to her chest. Rockslide then jumps in and tells Megan to get behind her because he’s immune to her attacks. He also fails as the last time he was put back together, it was with the surrounding rocks from Limbo. Mercury then tries her hand at harming Illyana. Illyana tells the girl that all she wants is her Soulsword and no one will get hurt. Mercury pushes forward with her attack and succeeds in piercing Illyana in her right shoulder.
Illyana applauds her impressive immunity to her attack but does a different spell to rid the girl from the fight. Turning her attention back onto Pixie, she demands the Soulsword once again. Pixie looks at the Beatrice Medallion hanging around Illyana’s neck and tells her she wants a piece of her soul back. Illyana says that if she wants it then she should come and take it. A battle starts between the pair of them but doesn’t last long. Illyana says “Gravata Sinova Clatorim” and beams of energy come shooting from her eyes. Pixie blocks them behind the Soulsword and Souldagger, but they are still too much for her to handle and she is defeated. Illyana reclaims her Soulsword from the girl and is transformed into her human form. Illyana’s transformation isn’t complete and she freaks out and then teleports to Limbo in a hurry.

Colossus fears he’s going to lose his sister again so he tells Cyclops he’s going after her. To Colossus’ surprise, Cyclops doesn’t try to stop him, He forms a team of Pixie, Nightcrawler, Rockslide, Wolverine, Colossus, and Mercury to all head into Limbo to help try and retrieve Piotr’s little sister. Pixie teleports them to Limbo where they are greeted by demons upon arriving. The team fights their way to a ledge where they look off and can see Belasco’s Castle in the distance. Illyana is inside fighting Witchfire who gains control over the Beatrice Medallion. Witchfire stole the soulstone that held Pixie’s soul and now holds it in her possession. Pixie cries out as she can feel her soul being transferred from one object to another.
Pixie immediately teleports over to Belasco’s castle and begins to hunt for her soul. She passes a mirror and in it sees her reflection of what she would be like if she did end up losing her soul. Distraught and crying she flies harder and faster searching for Illyana. Witchfire greets her and tells her that she should now refer to her as “Master.” Pixie sees the Beatrice Amulet on the ground and her soul missing. Witchfire tells her that she is now the owner of her soul and that she should get used to the image she saw of herself in the mirror. Nightcrawler is finally able to teleport the team over and they immediately jump in to try and save Pixie. Witchfire possesses Colossus and Wolverine and makes them attack Mercury and Rockslide. Nightcrawler is over with Illyana and she tells him he must stab her with the Souldagger. He asks her if she’s sure and she tells him that there is no other way. Without further hesitation, Nightcrawler stabs Illyana through the heart and Pixie cries out in agony. As Nightcrawler is fighting his possessed team mates Witchfire had taken another piece of Pixie’s soul altering her even more towards full demonhood. Now that Witchfire had the final bloodstone needed she opened a portal summoning the Elder gods to their world but the X-Men fought back gaining back the medallion that had the five bloodstones. With the combined efforts of Illyana and Megan the last bloodstone was freed and the spell that brought fourth the Elder gods broken. As Witchfire is seen being sucked through the closing portal Megan notice’s she has the medallion with the other bloodstone’s trying her hardest to get them back she fails and takes out her anger on both Nightcrawler and Illyana before summoning her Souldagger to find it altered with another part of her soul lost to it. Seeing this Megan flies off from the group saddened and angry.
Pixie Strikes Back

Tricked by some demons into going to what they think is a Dazzler concert, Pixie, X-23, Mercury and Hisako are trapped in an illusion and made to believe they are in high school. In the illusion, Pixie manages to cool off a furious X-23 and buy the girls some lunch in the cafeteria. Laura gets into a confrontation with a guy but before Pixie can do anything a fight breaks out and she’s stabbed in the back by the cafeteria Lady – in fact it’s a demon working for Saturnine, who’s responsible for all of this. Waking up in some kind of room, Pixie is given an elixir made of her own pixie dust by the demon cafeteria Lady that sends her back into the school illusion. Walking out of the infirmary she is soon met by Laura and Armor being chased by demons and then puzzles over why demons are in her school.
In a flashback, we see how the girls got into this situation – on a motorcycle in the middle of nowhere in the Bay Area, Pixie teleports them to the supposed Dazzler show. After taking out a goon with her pixie dust, they manage to find the right spot, except it’s taking place in a demon-filled club. The girls enter and look around and are magicked into the illusion world.
Back in the illusion, Pixie reappears dressed in a prom dress and is pronounced the Prom Queen as she starts modifying the illusion herself. She gives her so-called friends the hand and begins acting mean toward them. Finally losing her patience and wanting them to be happy for her, she stabs Ruth with her very own Souldagger which knocks Ruth out of the illusion. Ruth had joined the illusion using her mutant powers, but had never actually gone with the other girls to the concert. Laura quickly jumps in, grabbing Pixie’s hand and neck, telling her to stop but she is unable to. With things getting out of control, the demons take Mercury, Armor and X-23 away and keep them in a basement in the abandoned school building where this is all really taking place.
Meanwhile, Pixie’s mother Mrs. Gwynn, who was not happy that Pixie was with the X-Men, goes to look for her on Utopia. Failing to find her there, she seeks out Lady Mastermind and Mastermind II. She informs them that she knew their father and that they had been usurped as the babies of the family, as Pixie is their younger half-sister (sharing Mastermind as their father). The truth behind Pixie’s kidnapping is revealed to be an attempt by Saturnine to get Mrs Gwynn’s magicks. Back on Utopia, Rockslide and Anole find Blindfold and go to Emma Frost, worried about the disappearance of the other girls. Nightcrawler and Psylocke, having just met Mrs Gwynn, are also concerned and the assembled X-Men travel to find Pixie and the others. Mrs Gwynn arrives at the abandoned school with Regan and Martinique, followed by the X-Men. The Ladies Mastermind, Pixie, and Mrs. Gwynn are successful in casting an illusion which tricks Saturnine into killing himself, when he tries to sheathe the fake soul-sword in his chest, instead, stabbing himself to death.
Second Coming & Hellbound

Pixie is part of the team selected by Cyclops to rescue Illyana Rasputin from Limbo. The team, led by Cannonball, also consists of Northstar, Dazzler, Gambit, Trance and Anole. When first approached by Cyclops to teleport the team to limbo, Pixie refuses Cyclops and is angered by the fact that he doesn’t seem to care that Illyana stole a piece of her soul. It takes some coaxing from Anole to get Pixie to agree to accompany the other X-Men back to Limbo. Upon entering Limbo the team is confronted with a large contingent of demons.
Pixie and Trance are separated from the other members of the team by the ever changing landscape of Limbo. While fighting demons they encounter N’astirh and Sym. N’astirh offers to return Pixie’s stolen piece of soul in return for the Soulsword and the death of Magik. Trance attempts to stop Pixie from accepting, but her astral form returns to her body in Utopia.
Pixie ultimately refuses, freeing Magik because it’s what an X-Man would do. When a corrupted Gambit, Northstar and Dazzler confront them along with a contingent of demons, she, Magik and N’Astirh are forced to side with each other to keep from being overwhelmed. Cannonball and Anole arrive to turn the tide, and Magik is eventually able to return them all to Earth. Magik is grateful to Pixie for sparing her, but the animosity Pixie has for Illyana remains unresolved.
Curse of the Mutants

Pixie and Jubilee are together in San Francisco when a suicide vampire bomber explodes, spraying Jubilee with blood. Pixie is unharmed but rushes Jubilee back to Utopia for help. Later, Pixie is chosen by Wolverine to accompany him on a mission to find information about the recent vampire attacks. While investigating an alley, they are attacked by a random gang. Pixie, Wolverine, and Angel quickly defeat them and move on to investigate a nearby warehouse. Pixie is ordered to stay at the entrance as Wolverine continues in and is attacked by a vampire. The vampire woman is defeated and the group discovers a room filled with human bodies being used as a blood source.
Fall of the New Mutants

Following Second Coming Pixie is seen leaving Utopia for some rest and relaxation. She is later attacked by an army of demon like creatures. She attempts to teleport away but is silenced by some kind of spell. She then fails in an attempt to fight back with her souldagger. She is restrained by the army and her dagger is taken from her. The leader of the attackers claims to be looking for the soul sword but states that the dagger will do.
Still being held captive by the army orchestrated in Limbo, Pixie is seen for a brief moment. Her soul dagger is still being used to extract a soul gem, but the army men discuss how that they need all of Pixies soul. Pixie of course puts up a fight and struggles with the guards, she uses her pixie dust on them creating some illusions but the guard shoots his gun and fires a large amount of bullets. Not knowing what happened to Pixie the New Mutants arrive to find her and the soul dagger. The demonic soldier extracts the bloodstone engraved from Pixie’s Souldagger to be used as a final piece for the bloodstone amulet. Magik, Pixie, and Karma escape back to Utopia where the X-Men are made aware of the situation. After the final battle with General Ulysses, Magik returns Pixie’s lost bloodstones and dagger to her and tell her to do what she wishes with them.

For further details: Curse of the Mutants
In an attempt to help Jubilee cope with her new vampire powers, Pixie hangs out with Jubilee on Utopia. Although Pixie gives it her best effort, Jubilee acts cold towards her friend, and is able to get Pixie to admit that Logan asked her
to hang out with her, although she wanted to anyway. In an attempt to lighten the mood Pixie purposes they have a race, her teleportation versus Jubilee’s new vampire speed. Jubilee is not amused by Pixie’s lighthearted attitude and attempt to crush her with a boulder. Pixie teleports away in time and Jubilee escapes. Later, as Pixie is watching Jeopardy with Armor and Rockslide, the trio of them get into a discussion about Jubilee. Pixie and Rockslide seem to wish Jubilee was there hanging out with them, but Armor feels strongly towards the opposite. Rockslide notices his hand start to glow with the symbol of a pendant that the now vampiric X-Man was wearing, and he sets out to search for her… all the while Pixie and Armor continue gossiping and playing along with the gameshow.
First to Last
Pixie is among the New X-Men members that protect Cyclops during the attack on Utopia by the Evolutionaries, she was first ordered by Emma to teleport him off of the front line, when they first started trying to kill Scott.
Hell To Pay

Pixie along with Cyclops, Gambit, Storm and Moonstar head towards an old Native American village where an old friend of Dani’s named Arnold Blackfeather calls for her assistance. The X-Men arrive to find Arnold’s wife is about to be sealed off due to her being unable to contain the demon’s in her soul any longer. Suddenly a female Ghost Rider appears claiming that the town reeks of sin. Whist the X-Men and Ghost Rider talk about their involvement at the town the demon’s contained in the women’s soul break free for their prison calling themselves the Atahsaia. Quickly a battles erupts between the two sides and in the heat of it Pixie takes a book of spell’s from Arnold. With demon’s chasing her through the air Storm defends Pixie which allows both to return to Cyclops in the town. Ghost Rider and Moonstar lead the demon’s into Hell and just as they escape, Pixie uses a spell from the book to seal the demon’s there forever.
During the events of Schism, Megan and Magik worked teleporting the X-men across the world to battle the sentinels. During one battle she got injured and was moved to Utopia where she recieved medical attention. She was injured that she couldn’t concentrate to use her teleport spell.
Before the sentinel created by the new Hellfire Club arrived to Utopia, the kids and the lights discussed if stay to battle the sentinel or run away from Utopia. Pixie said that despite her injuries she would help to battle the sentinels alongside the rest of the students, because she was an X-Man. The Lights then decided to stay and help too. During these moments Megan and Gabriel befriended very well.
After the battle Gabriel got injured. Pixie came to the medical bay to see how he was and both started to flirt. Soon Hope arrived to see how was Gabriel and found him and Pixie kissing. Angrily Hope left the medical bay. Pixie then asked Gabriel if he and Hope were dating and he replied kinda. Angrily Pixie slapped Gabriel and left the medical bay too. Megan was planning to leave Utopia to join the new school of Wolverine, but Hope asked her to stay and became the teleporter of her team so they could arrive in time to help new mutants. Pixie then decided to stay in Utopia and joined Hope’s squad, despite Gabriel didn’t like the idea.
Security Recon

Upon Pixie becoming a fully-fledged member of the X-Men, she has recently joined Storm’s Security Recon Team. Cyclops’ international act of attack and defence for Utopia under Storm’s leadership and jurisdiction. A couple of Skrulls had apprehended Pixie concerning the Fantastic Four’s son, Franklin Richards, they had then manipulated her into thinking that they were going to kill him if she didn’t comply with their wishes and teleported them into the Baxter Building, to prevent that from happening, she teleported them inside which alerted alerted the FF, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm and Reed Richards, they went to the point of infiltration and helped rescue Pixie from the Skrull, she didn’t exactly like that. After the battle was over, Storm, Domino and Warpath came in to bring Pixie back to Utopia, Pixie felt as if she had made a fool infront of her teammates and the FF by falling for the Skrulls deception. The four of them then managed to find themselves inside Horizon Labs, Storm and the rest of them seemed to have been looking for something important, Pixie tried to converse with Storm but was snubbed off, she took note of that, she then observed the way in which Storm and Domino were conversing amongst themselves and found out that this was a bigger deception in itself, she then realised that they were Skrulls as well, at that same moment the Skrulls that she was with changed back to their true forms, they then proceeded to hold Pixie hostage, in annoyance, she fought back with all her might, thinking on how she was stupid enough to fall for anothe trick, in the end, she was out-numbere and lost the fight. While still in capture-mode, the Skrulls were discussing how they were going to get back home as they had no business for a second Secret Invasion, as she watches them, they start to recall the events of the Secret Invasion, and how they were the Skrulls that were left behind after the final battle. She then notices that some of the Skrulls weren’t exactly complying with eachother’s wishes, they weren’t all on the same page.

After the trip down memory lane, they hear something coming from the corridors, one of the Skrulls goes to check it out, Pixie tries to escape but then he threatens to shoot her in the head which causes her to stop. All of a sudden, Spiderman comes in and fly kicks the lead Skrull, Pixie uses this oppurtunity to conjure up a plan, the Skrulls that were blasted out the window are then saved by Pixie using her teleportation spell as she realises that her plan wont work if they’re taken off the grid, meanwhile, the real Storm, Domino and Warpath appear in New York after it comes under assault when a large ship charges from underneath, while she tries to ease the situation, an innocent child gets taken by the lead Skrull, Pixie sees this and does nothing, after that, a Skrull-made machine apprehends all of them.
The Skrull-made machine’s begin to wreck havoc in New York City, the Security Recon team and the FF join forces to help stop it, Warpath notices that Pixie isn’t with them, Storm acknowledges that assures him that they’ll need to trust Pixie in what she’s doing. Pixie teleports herself, Spiderman and two other Skrulls into the escape ship, she orders one of the Skrulls to take her to the ships control pod, amidst that the battle still rages on outside, back inside, Pixie remembers what Logan used to tell her about having instinct, and when it comes into act. The innocent boy that was captured then starts messing with the control pad, Pixie sees this and stops him, her plan starts coming to an end, as she simultaneously teleports to each room of the ship, telling the Skrulls there what to do in order for them to leave Earth and how much time they’ve got left. She teleports herself out with Spiderman and the little boy and manages to “save the day”, she then meets up with Storm who asks about the Skrull’s whereabouts, Pixie then tells her that she has nothing to worry about.
Age of X-Man and Krakoa

Pixie stayed with the X-men, and helped out Jean Grey’s Red X-men team for a while. However, soon she and almost every other X-Men, was called upon to fight against a power-mad Nate Grey (known as X-Man). During the battle, she and most other X-Men where teleported into a strange warped reality known as the Age of X-Man. In this reality, Pixie knew nothing of her former self or life. She was part of the X-Men team in this reality and fought against people who where deemed enemies of the state. Luckily, the X-Men managed to regain their true memories and confronted Nate Grey.
After X-Man was defeated, Pixie rejoined the X-Men on Krakoa to be part of the first Mutant Society.

Megan possesses insect-like wings (depicted of various colors, depending on the artist) that allow her to fly. Initially, her wings were broad and multicolored, similar to a butterfly’s, but recent depictions have her with iridescent, translucent wings, more like those of a dragonfly. It has been suggested that her wings’ appearance is affected by her psychological state.
In addition, her mutation allows her to produce a “pixie dust” that causes hallucinations, often with comedic effects, such as demons seeing bright bubbles and teddy bears, or in one instance, causing Wolverine to see and try to fight a herd of unicorns. In another instance, Megan uses her dust seemingly harmlessly to enhance the audience’s perceptions of Dazzler’s light show during a concert. She states that she has no idea what individuals affected by her dust are seeing.
After Magik takes part of Megan’s soul in an attempt to create a Soulsword, her appearance changes, reflecting the portion of her soul lost to black magic. Artists’ depictions of this change in her personality are inconsistent, but typically depict her pink hair with black streaks. She also has the ability to detect the supernatural, as evidenced when she fought the N’Garai who were under a cloaking spell. When asked how she knows where they are she replies, “there’s a sliver of darkness that Magik put inside my soul⦠And it’s like a compass needle for other dark⦠stuff.” She has also been trained in hand-to-hand combat at the institute.
Because the spell to steal Megan’s soul was interrupted, a new Soulsword could not be formed; instead, Megan can summon a Souldagger, a mystical item that disrupts magical constructs and harms magical beings. Because of her connection with Magik, as Megan uses the Souldagger, her personality changes and becomes darker and more disturbing. Her dagger later changes from silver to red after it absorbs Pixie’s Bloodstone. It is unclear if this change is merely cosmetic. Like recent depictions of the Soulsword, Pixie’s Souldagger appears to have physical effects beyond disrupting magic and harming magical creatures. For example, while the abilities of the mutant Malice are psionic and based on mutation and not magic, the soul dagger is able to exorcise Malice’s psyche from Karima Shapandar. It also appears to have physically harmed Empath, disrupting his psychic abilities and leaving him blind after she stabs him in the head with it.
Though untrained in the mystic arts, Pixie possesses the potential to wield magic, largely due to black magic which has filled the missing portions of her soul. Following the events of “Quest for Magik,” Pixie is approached by both Doctor Strange and Amanda Sefton to receive formal tutelage in sorcery after she has come of age.
Sihal Novarum Chinoth
Sihal Novarum Chinoth is a teleportation spell tought to Pixie by Darkchilde. She learned this when they were in Limbo and the group of Xavier Institute students (consisting of Pixie, Blindfold, Loa, Wolf Cub, Rockslide, Match, Anole and Gentle) needed to get to Belasco‘s castle to get to their friends.
After the formation of the Souldagger, and after Rockslide (newly reformed) forced Darkchilde to tell them how to get to their other friends, she explains that Pixie can teleport the group there. The part of Pixie’s soul that was used to form the Souldagger was replaced with Dark magic. At first, Pixie had a hard time grasping the ability.
According to Darkchilde, Pixie should be able to cast the spell without saying the words. Also, for some unknown reason but most probably meditation, Pixie was floating upside down, and was being held by an unknown pink energy, probably formed by Darkchilde. It is unknown what the approximate mass/the or approximate amount of people she is able to teleport with the spell. but she has been seen teleporting at least ten people with ease. The range of spell is also unknown, but she has been able to teleport from Weschester to Muir Island, and from The Transamerica Pyramids to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Pixie now uses the spell regularly, as she does her Souldagger, during combat, normally as a method of escaping. She has used it to: get to Belasco’s castle, escape a base of the Purifiers, get to Muir Island and escape a collapsing mine, at all times taking people with her. In Infernus #1 Pixie and Nightcrawler had a race from the Transamerica Pyramid’s to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
When Nightcrawler arrived, Pixie was sitting on the bridge waiting for him. To his disbelief, Pixie revealed that she made the trip in one “Jump.” The trip took Nightcrawler more than one so he challenged her to another race home. They were to go from the Golden Gate Bridge, to the Danger Room in the X-mansion. Without Giving Pixie any further warning, Nightcrawler, “Bamfs” out of sight. Pixie takes a minute to fan the smoke Nightcrawler leaves behind before chasing after him. Even with his head start, he still couldn’t beat Pixie to the danger room. Recently when Pixie used her Teleporting spell, there was no pink aura about her. Whether this was artist error or a new development is unknown at this time.

- Known Relatives: Mastermind (Father, Deceased), Mrs Gwynn (Mother) , Regan Wyngarde aka Lady Mastermind (half-sister), Martinique Wyngarde aka Martinque Jason ( half-sister ).
- Citizenship: British
- Place of Birth: Unknown location in Wales (Most probably her home town, Abergylid)
- Marital Status: Single
- Occupation: Adventurer, student, back-up dancer for Dazzler
- Education: Currently in high school level courses and Xavier’s School for the Gifted
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5’8″
- Weight: 121 lbs
- Unusual Features: Insect like wings/rainbow-colored wings (depending on the artist), [Formerly] pink marks on cheeks (like warpaint), pointed ears, pitch-black eyes. She also has pink hair like her mother, this is sometimes depicted (again depending on the artist) with black streaks since having part of her soul ripped out to create her soul dagger.
Alternate Realities
Age of X
In a reality where the X-Men never existed and anti-mutant hysteria is at its max Megan is known as Nightmare. After taking a human life her pixie wings mutated into demonic looking wings. She is one of the mutants seeking safety in Fortress X. She is part of the army that battles the forces that attack Fortress X. Nightmare’s dust acts differently in this universe. Instead of causing comedic hallucinations, the dust seems to cause hallucinations of scary things, including snakes and demons. Also, her appearance is different as well, with her skin tone lavender and her wings having a bat-like appearance. Her personality is also more sassy and unreserved compared to her Earth-616 self.
Other Media
Wolverine and the X-Men

Megan Gwynn was on a ship going to Genosha when Spiral and the Reavers attacked and took the other mutants. Nightcrawler formed a team of mutants who think that heir powers are useless. Incredibly, they have saved the mutants in the ship. The only power that was shown in the series was her ability to fly using her butterfly wings that she used to pose the flag for SOS.
She later appears tenth episode of the first season titled Greetings From Genosha. Here she is shown in being of episode with the other mutants on a boat heading to Genosha and even has a few lines. After the other mutants and herself arrive Magneto welcomes them to Genosha and she is seen flying off to her new home. After that she is seen in a brief cameo appearance when Xavier scans Polaris’ mind for a clue of what happened to her and Genosha. After that she is not seen or mentioned ever again. Its is speculated that she like most other mutants on Genosha was killed during the attack on the island.
Video Games
X-Men Destiny
Early teaser trailer’s have confirmed that Pixie will make her first video game appearance in the game as one of

the non playable X-Men characters. X-Men Destiny was released in the fall of 2011. Pixie appears in the story alongside Caliban. During the riot. There job was to locate and transport mutants to safety the player later finds out that she has been captured and they player sets out to free her. While trying to free Pixie a helicopter explodes and Pixie is killed in the blast.
Marvel: War of Heroes

Pixie appears in several cards in the mobile card game Marvel: War of Heroes. Her cards are:
- [Mutant Magic] Pixie
- [Pixie Dust] Pixie
- [X-Girl] Pixie
- [Nick of Time] Pixie
X-men: Battle of The Atom

Pixie is featured in the mobile card game “X-Men: Battle of the Atom” based on the comic book story with the same name. Her cards are:
- Pixie
- [New X-Men] Pixie