Sorentino (Sorrentino after first appearance) is the granddaughter of Alexei Ganger. They both believe in a Utopia on Earth and live in the Satori, a man made mobile city that houses intellectuals in their quest for the Cosmic Messiah. She is accompanied by the Gangers on her missions.
When Sorentino is first shown, she is searching for the Silver Surfer. She finds him in New York City and follows him. When the Surfer contacts the Puppet Master he creates a Clay Surfer that is given life by the Surfer. When the Clay Surfer runs amok, he transports the Surfer back in time. This is when Sorentino makes her move and her and the Gangers kidnap the Puppet Master and take the remains of the Clay Surfer.
The Puppet Master is used to lure the Surfer to them, which is a success. She, along with all the others at the Satori, believe the Silver Surfer to be the Cosmic Messiah. He refuses them and they go to Plan B.
With the help of the Puppet Master and some stolen cosmic energy, they eventually created their own Cosmic Messiah.