Tin Man


 In his violent world of Earth-8, Tin Man entered into American politics and won in a landslide victory nomination for Presidency with Americommando as his Vice President, base on his promises of ending metahuman violence by passing a registration act. This act was passed by the American Government which became known as the Metahuman Act, which required all metahumans to submit to official control and joined the Meta Militia or face legal and brutal penalties at concentration camps; a fact President Tin Man totally accepts as it was worth it to end crimes and superhuman violence. Tin Man was later killed by Lord Havok of the Extremists in front of a live television, presidential address regarding to the Extremists. Tin Man was succeeded by Americommando who continue to support his predecessor’s draconian doctrine until being defeated by the Extremists and arrested by Blue Jay , thus apparently ending Tin Man’s Metahuman Act.