Tutor was once a curious man with many ideas. His interests were mainly about human nature, social dynamics, and hierarchies. He liked cults and MLMs and saw vampirism as a way to progress the evolution of mankind instead of as a parasitic infection. This got the attention of Lady Yulan, a centuries old Chinese vampire who had set up shop in Chinatown, Manhattan. He eventually stole the blood of one of Lady Yulan’s brides and infected himself, so that he could start his rival vampire cult, The Structure.
Tutor was created by Jed MacKay and Frederico Sabbatini in Moon Knight (2021) #13
Major Story Arcs
Midnight Mission
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Tutor started keeping tabs on Moon Knight after he liberated a number of his sires, including Reese, who took a job with Moon Knight at his new congregation, The Midnight Mission. He would start to attack them after learning that Reese turned Soldier, another member of the Midnight Mission, and saw them as rivals to his own vampire recruitment. He hired superhuman hitmen, Grand Mal and Nemean to take Moon Knight and his friends out.
Unfortunate for Tutor, his hire guns were no match for Moon Knight. He dropped them through the skylight of an event hall during Tutor’s meeting of the vampires. After rigging the fire suppression system to go off, Moon Knight consecrate the water, making it holy, and took out The Structure. Tutor made one last ditch effort to offer his services to Moon Knight, but Moon Knight was uninterested. So, he killed Tutor.