John Mist

Very little is known about the individual called John Mist (fr: ‘Jean Brume’), the ghostly vengeful wraith who fights against CRIMEN in the world of Hexagon Comics. All that is known is that he is the descendant of a legendary crime-fighter (himself known as John Mist) in the late 1700’s, in the day before the French Revolution. Both he and his ancestor fought against the machinations of a criminal cabal whose history spans centuries, going under various names (Brotherhood of Mercy, Companions of Silence, the Black Coats) to this very day.

Somehow, somewhere, John Mist (or one of his ancestors) acquired wraith-like powers. He uses this to hound and hinder the efforts of CRIMEN. He had a vendetta against Baroud I, (Rick Ross III) the leader of CRIMEN, which was seemingly ended during a catastrophic event involving various heroes and villains of the Hexagon universe. This vendetta has since switched to Ross’s son, the current Baroud.

Despite his willingness to fight alongside his world’s heroes, he’s not exactly the kind of guy who’s a team player. He keeps himself distant from his would-be allies, seeking only to put an end to CRIMEN.

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