

Rarity was created by Lauren Faust, who based her off the G1 characters Glory and Sparkler. Rarity uses Glory’s color scheme, Sparkler’s cutie mark and appearance, and some mannerisms of G3 Rainbow Dash, like the Trans-Atlantic English accent and a tendency to flip her mane and say “darling”. Faust stated that Audrey Hepburn was her biggest influence on Rarity.


Rarity is one of the main six protagonists of the series and represent the element of generosity. Rarity is a fashion designer and seamstress who owns her own shop in Ponyville, called the Carousel Boutique. Rarity has a little sister named Sweetie Belle who is friends with Applejack’s younger sister Apple Bloom and a young pegasus named Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle and Rarity get along but at times her clumsiness, paired with an insistent willingness to help, tests Rarity’s patience. While Rarity cares about her appearance quite a bit, being averse to stepping in mud or risking getting herself messy, she is not above getting dirty when it comes to helping her friends or creatures in need.

Rarity is charming and beautiful and can command the loyalty and assistance of males when she needs it, most notably, Spike the dragon (who has a crush on her). While she doesn’t return his feelings, she is affectionate towards him, often calling him “Spikey-wikey” or “Spikey-poo.” She had a crush on a travel-writer named Trenderhoof, but as soon as he came to town he became infatuated with Applejack, sparking jealousy and competitiveness in Rarity. After attempting to copy Applejack’s “country” style and mannerisms, she learned that you can’t make somepony like you by acting like somepony else. She also tried to hook up with Prince Blueblood at the Gala, but he turned out to be a royal pain.


Rarity’s special magical talent is locating precious stones. Like other unicorns, she can use her magic to levitate and move objects. She is also a skilled fashion designer, seamstress and interior decorator, though the tastefulness of the flashy outfits she creates is sometimes called into question. Rarity also seems to known Martial Arts as she has been seen several times combating different creatures she and her friends have faced.

Element of Harmony

Rarity represents the Element of Generosity. She discovered this when she gave a upset sea serpent her tail, due to his mustache getting sliced off by Nightmare Moon.

Her Element is a golden necklace with a purple diamond shaped gem that resembles her cutie mark.


In the series finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Rarity is shown to have moved to Yakyakistan, and has left the Carousel Boutique in the hooves of the yak princess Yona.

Key Episodes:

Look Before You Sleep
Suited For Success
A Dog and Pony Show
Green Isn’t Your Color
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Sisterhooves Social
Sweet and Elite
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Simple Ways
Inspiration Manifestation
Canterlot Boutique
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Rarity Investigates!
The Saddle Row Review
Spice Up Your Life
Forever Filly
It Isn’t The Mane Thing About You
The End In Friend
She’s All Yak
Dragon Dropped